August 12th, 2002
Key Arena
Seattle, Washington
Dark Match:
1. Sean O’Haire defeats Johnny “The Bull” Stamboli.
8/18 Sunday Night Heat taping:
1. Bradshaw pins Shawn Stasiak.
2. William Regal pins Shelton Benjamin.
3. D-Lo Brown pins Justin Credible (w/ Raven).
Actual Show:
We see footage from moments ago of Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman taking seats at ringside.
We see the opening video for RAW.
Your hosts are Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler.
We see Eric Bischoff with security backstage as he says Lesnar and Heyman are not supposed to be on his show, and he tells them if they get out of line, they are to be ejected.
Triple H comes down to the ring and says that he’s heard everyone tell him how disappointed they were that he would attack his best friend Shawn Michaels, and he says that he and Michaels were never best friends as he used Michaels to get to the top while Michaels used him to stay at the top. He says that this is a business and he’s the better businessman as he’s held more World Titles, headlined more PPVs, and sold out more arenas than Michaels could do on his best day, and he says that he is better than Michaels even in his prime and he heard the people chanting his name 3 weeks ago when they almost reformed DX. He says that’s why he did what he did because that same sound has eaten away at him for 8 months and the crowd chanting his name made him soft and weak to the point that he was beaten by Hulk Hogan, and he says that the fact is that he’s no different than them in that the reality is they used him and he gave them a little bit of himself every day. He says that the more of himself he gave, he got weaker though it stops now and if they are pissed off, it’s because he’s speaking the truth and it’s the truth when he says he is coming to Summerslam to maim Michaels and end his career. He says that he’s ended careers before and Michaels will be no different as Michaels wants to show his son how to be a man, and he says that when this is done between them, Michaels can hold his son while in a wheelchair and show him what a man truly is by pointing at him. Just then, the Rock comes out on the stage and says that he has finally come back to Seattle as he comes down the ramp, and he says that Lesnar wants to play mind games with him by buying a front row ticket with that big walrus in Heyman. He says that Lesnar has bought himself a ticket to a Brahma Bull ass-whooping tonight though Triple H interrupts and asks who the hell Rock thinks he is, and Rock says that Triple H knows who he is as he will get in the ring and whoop his ass as he says that he is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. He says that he’s also Undisputed Champion while Triple H isn’t and Triple H says that Rock left out one thing which is if he gets in this ring, he’s the guy that will get his ass kicked and Rock gets in the ring as he asks if Triple H wants to go one more time. Triple H says he would love to go and Rock tells him to get him a bologna sandwich since this doesn’t concern him, and they trade blows with Rock taking control and he hits a clothesline on Triple H as Lesnar hops the barricade and gets on the apron. Rock grabs at him only for Triple H to nail him and he gets a kick in as he hits the Pedigree on Rock while security ejects Lesnar and Heyman.
Commercial break
We see the Rock in Eric Bischoff’s office as Bischoff says Lesnar and Heyman have been ejected from the building and Rock says he’ll take Triple H instead, and Bischoff says he can’t commit to a match that big and Rock says he better find a way as Bischoff says he’ll see what he can do.
1. Christopher Nowinski and Molly Holly defeat Spike Dudley and Trish Stratus when Nowinski pins Spike at 3:07.
Analysis: We kick off this edition of RAW with our first tag match of the night. Stratus and Molly have continued to go at it since KOTR and they team with Spike and Nowinski here. Spike and Stratus get a good pop from the crowd while Nowinski and Molly had decent heat as a heel, and Stratus slaps Howard Finkel in the face as payback for what happened to Lilian Garcia last week. Spike starts off the match with Nowinski and they lock up with Nowinski getting a knee in and he pounds on Spike, and he hits a slam and a suplex on Spike as he then hits a back suplex and tags Molly who gets a two count. She slaps Spike in the face and Spike catches a kick attempt as he trips Molly up and slingshots her into Nowinski who gets knocked to the floor, and Stratus tags in only for Molly to hit a clothesline though Stratus comes back with an armdrag and a dropkick. She pounds on Molly who reverses a whip as Nowinski gets in the ring and hits a big boot on Stratus, and Molly yanks Stratus up by the hair and slams her to the mat for a two count as Stratus catches her ducking with a kick. Nowinski tags in and grabs Stratus as he hits a slam on her and hoists her onto his shoulder though she slides off, and she kicks at his knee and hits the Stratusfaction as Spike gets the hot tag and ducks a shot before hitting a flying forearm. He hits a running bulldog on Nowinski and bites him on the face as Nowinski reverses a whip and catches Spike on a crossbody attempt, and he puts Spike on the top rope and goes up himself as Spike battles back and knocks Nowinski to the mat. He sets himself on the top rope and hits a double stomp on Nowinski for a two count as Molly breaks it up, and Spike grabs Molly by the hair as Stratus comes in and hits a Chick Kick on Molly who rolls outside. Stratus goes outside and rams Molly into the apron as Spike gets a kick in only for Nowinski to hit a spinning double underhook suplex which gets the three and he wins the match for his team. The match itself was decent as both teams worked hard and put on a basic tag match. Both teams looked decent together and had good chemistry as Nowinski and Molly get the win. The crowd was into the match and Stratus and Spike, but are not happy when Nowinski and Molly win. Nowinski and Molly get the win over Spike and Stratus as both teams move on. Grade: 1
Commercial break
Burger King Slam of the Week: 3 Minute Warning attacking Lilian Garcia last week on RAW
We see Eric Bischoff walking down the hallway as Goldust stops him and says that he has an idea for tonight, and he says if Booker T wins his match against Lance Storm tonight, then he and Booker get a tag title shot at Summerslam and Bischoff says he likes it. Just then, a midget dressed like Goldust starts humping Bischoff’s leg and Bischoff freaks out until Goldust pulls him off and Bischoff walks away.
Howard Finkel is in the ring and says that he is the lead ring announcer for RAW as he says he is the first employee of WWE, and he says for the last 25 years no one has done it better than him though he does want to issue an apology to Lilian Garcia. He says that he’s sorry that she didn’t get what she got sooner than last week and he says since she’s been here, he’s had to swallow his pride watching her work though it’s better than what she had to swallow to get the job though suddenly Kane’s pyro goes off scaring Finkel.
We see Eric Bischoff with Rob Van Dam and the Hardy Boyz as Bischoff says that Kane is coming back which is good news, and he says that he can guarantee RVD an IC Title shot at Summerslam because it was in writing and Stacy Keibler has procured him the contract from Stephanie McMahon who wanted to destroy it. Matt Hardy then interrupts and says that RVD lost the IC Title to Chris Benoit so he should get a shot instead, and Bischoff says that RVD was guaranteed a rematch and Matt says he should get a shot at that then as Bischoff says he could give it to Jeff too. He says that he will flip a coin to determine who will face RVD and it comes up heads meaning Jeff gets the match, and he wishes them luck and walks away as Matt says it was unfair.
We see Chris Jericho and the Big Show talking backstage.
Commercial break
2. Booker T (w/ Goldust and “Mini Dust”) pins Lance Storm (w/ Christian) with the scissors kick at 4:42.
Stipulation: If Booker wins the match, he and Goldust earn a tag title match at Summerslam
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a pretty big matchup. Booker and Goldust have been gaining steam as a team and Booker looks to earn them a title shot by beating Storm, who was cruising as one half of the tag champions and looks to get a win here. Booker gets a good pop from the crowd while Storm was pretty hot as a heel. The two men lock up to start with Booker working on the arm until Storm grabs the ropes to force a break, and they lock up with Booker going back to the arm as he goes behind Storm who backs Booker into the corner and he rams the shoulder into the ribs repeatedly. He hits a back elbow and pounds on Booker as he hooks a headlock and Booker whips him off before hitting a hiptoss, and he hits a clothesline and a hiptoss on Storm who reverses a whip and Booker catches him ducking with a kick. Storm avoids a side kick as Booker crotches himself on the top rope and Storm knocks him over the top to the floor, and Booker rolls back into the ring and Storm rams him into the buckle as he pounds on Booker and hits a side dropkick for a two count. He hooks a submission on Booker and drives the elbow into his head as he rams Booker into the buckle and pounds on him in the corner, but Booker battles back on Storm who reverses a whip into the other corner and Booker leaps over him as he hooks a sunset flip for a two count. Storm hits a clothesline on Booker and pounds on him on the mat as he hits a delayed suplex on Booker for a two count, and he hooks another submission on Booker who fights to his feet only for Storm to rake the eyes and Booker ducks a shot. He hits a flying forearm on Storm and pounds on him as he knocks him down and he hits a dropkick on Storm, and he hits a flapjack on Storm and does the Spinaroonie as he gets a kick in only for Christian to trip him up from the floor. Storm hooks a rollup for a two count as Goldust gets a shot in from the outside and he knocks Christian down, and Booker hits the scissors kick on Storm which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a decent match. Both men were hitting their stride by this point and had good chemistry as Goldust ends up helping Booker win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Booker when he won. Booker gets the win over Storm though their night isn’t over yet. Grade: 1.5
After the match, Test runs down to the ring and attacks Booker as Goldust and Christian get in the ring with Christian attacking Goldust, but then the Undertaker runs down to the ring and attacks Test as he chases him to the back while Booker and Goldust brawl with Storm and Christian to the back as “Mini Dust” has trouble getting over the barricade.
Commercial break
Eric Bischoff is in the ring with “Mini Dust” as he says that the reason he has him here because he has a special announcement, and he says that the main event tonight will be the Un-Americans and Triple H taking on Booker, Goldust, Taker, and the Rock in an 8-man tag match. He says that’s why RAW is the better product and will always outperform Smackdown because he gives the people what they want, and he says that the people want “Mini Dust” and he mentions what happened earlier though he wants him to entertain the fans right now. “Mini Dust” does a series of cartwheels and his version of the Spinaroonie though Bischoff says he stopped being entertained 3 minutes ago, and Jamal and Rosey come out of the crowd and get in the ring as they sandwich “Mini Dust” between them. They hoist “Mini Dust” up and slam him to the mat as Jamal goes up to the middle rope and Rosey hands him “Mini Dust’, and Jamal hits a powerslam off the top rope and Bischoff says they stepped over the line as he didn’t want them to go that far. He tells them to go to their room and they head to the back as Bischoff stops on the stage and says it’s time for some real entertainment, and he introduces the newest acquisition from Smackdown in Stacy Keibler as she comes out on the stage and dances. She pulls her skirt off and goes over to the announce table as she climbs onto it and continues to dance for the crowd, and we see Goldust, officials, and EMTs tending to “Mini Dust” in the ring.
Commercial break
3. Chris Jericho and the Big Show defeat “Nature Boy” Ric Flair and Bubba Ray Dudley when Bubba taps out at 7:28.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our second tag match of the night. Flair and Jericho have been going at it for the last two weeks and they face off here with Bubba and Show as their partners. Flair and Bubba get a good pop from the crowd while Jericho and Show were pretty hot as heels. Flair starts off the match with Jericho and Flair hits a drop toehold as he hits a hiptoss on Jericho and does a strut, and they lock up with Jericho backing Flair into the corner and he pounds on him as he whips him into the other corner and hits a backdrop. He misses an elbow and Flair whips him into the corner as Jericho catches him with a back elbow and Bubba gets a shot in from the apron, and Flair knocks Jericho down and tags Bubba who knocks Jericho down and he blocks a hiptoss attempt as he hits a clothesline. He rams Jericho into the buckle and pounds on him in the corner as he whips him into the other corner only to miss a charge, and he tumbles over the top to the floor and Show tags in as he throws Bubba back into the ring and tosses him into the corner. He stomps on Bubba and whips him back into the corner as he splashes him and then he whips Bubba hard into the other corner, and he steps on Bubba’s back and hits a headbutt as Flair makes a blind tag and Show hits a powerslam on Bubba. Flair goes up top though Jericho grabs at his leg and Show tosses him to the mat as he then hits a press slam on Flair, and Flair tries to battle back only for Show to pound on him in the corner and he hits a suplex as Jericho tags in. Show holds Flair from behind and Jericho pounds on him as he knocks him down and drops a series of elbows on him for a two count, and he chokes Flair on the ropes only to miss a charge and he crotches himself in the ropes as Bubba gets the hot tag. He hits a clothesline on Jericho who ducks a shot and Bubba hits a backdrop as he whips him into the corner and splashes him, and he avoids a clothesline from Show who hits Jericho by mistake and Bubba knocks him to the floor. Jericho hooks a rollup and uses the ropes for a two count as he catches Bubba ducking with a kick only for Bubba to hit a sidewalk slam for a two count as Show breaks it up, and Flair pounds on Show who hits a press slam on him and he hoists Bubba onto his shoulder though Bubba slides off. He sends Show over the top to the floor and hits a botched Samoan drop on Jericho for a two count as Jericho counters a whip and ducks a shot, but Bubba pounds on him and drives the elbow into his head as he looks to go outside only for Show to get on the apron. He grabs Bubba by the throat and hits the Chokeslam as he kicks Flair away only for Bubba to get his knees up on a Lionsault attempt, and Flair tries to get in the ring only for Show to pull him back outside and he sends him into the barricade only for Flair to backdrop him into the crowd. Bubba goes behind Jericho who hits a low blow and he trips Bubba up before hooking the Walls of Jericho on as Bubba taps out and Jericho wins the match for his team. The match itself was decent as both teams worked hard and put on a good tag match. Bubba and Flair looked decent as a team as did Jericho and Show, and they had good chemistry as Jericho ends up getting the win. The crowd was into the match and Flair and Bubba, but are not happy when Jericho and Show win. Jericho and Show get the win over Flair and Bubba as both teams move on. Grade: 2
After the match, Flair gets in the ring and Jericho kicks at him as he pounds on him and hits a back elbow, and he celebrates only for Flair to pull his tights down and he knocks him down as he looks for the Figure-4 only for Show to chase him out of the ring.
Commercial break
Jonathan Coachman interviews Chris Jericho, who says that Flair thinks it’s funny to pull his pants down and strut around like a jackass, and he says he will prove that he is better than Flair as next week, he will bring Fozzy to play live and then at Summerslam, he challenges Flair to a match and settle this once and for all.
We see a video package on Shawn Michaels.
We see Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards preparing for their match.
Commercial break
4. Tommy Dreamer pins Steven Richards with a chair shot at 3:32 to retain the WWE Hardcore Championship.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our lone title match of the night. Dreamer has been rolling as Hardcore Champion and faces a tough challenge here in Richards, who has been floating in the midcard and looks to become champion again. Dreamer gets a good pop from the crowd while Richards had decent heat as a heel, and both men are only allowed one weapon to use as Dreamer has the Singapore cane and Richards has a chair. The two men duel with their weapons to start the match until Dreamer throws the title at him and he hits a Russian legsweep with the cane, and he beats on Richards with the cane until he goes out to the apron though Dreamer hits him with the cane and knocks him off the apron. He goes outside and throws Richards back into the ring as Richards stomps on him coming in and he pounds on him, and Dreamer blocks a hiptoss and hits a neckbreaker on Richards as he grabs the chair only for Richards to hit him in the knee with the cane repeatedly. He sets the chair up and hits a kneebreaker on Dreamer onto the chair as he kicks the chair into Dreamer’s knee and stomps on it, and he slams Dreamer’s knee into the mat and grabs the cane as he hits Dreamer in the knee with it though he misses a charge and crotches himself in the corner. The two men trade blows with Dreamer taking control as he ducks a shot and hits a spinebuster on Richards for a two count, and he tries to hoist Richards onto his shoulders though his knee gives out and Richards hits the Steven Kick. He grabs the chair and slams it down onto Dreamer as he goes up top only for Dreamer to crotch him on the top rope, and he puts him in the tree of woe and goes up himself as he steps on his groin and then he places the chair against his face. He hits a baseball slide that drives the chair into Richards’ face and gets a kick in though Richards blocks the DDT by hitting a legsweep with the back of Dreamer’s head hitting the chair for a two count, and he grabs the cane though Dreamer uses the chair to block a swing and he hits Richards in the head with the chair which gets the three and he retains the title. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a basic title match. Both men were hitting their stride by this point and still had good chemistry as Dreamer gets a solid title defense. The crowd was into the match and popped for Dreamer when he won. Dreamer retains the title over Richards and both men move on. Grade: 1.5
Commercial break
We see a shot outside the Key Arena.
5. Rob Van Dam pins Jeff Hardy with the 5-Star Frog Splash at 5:06.
Stipulation: The winner would earn an Intercontinental Championship match at Summerslam
Analysis: Our last match before the main event is a pretty big matchup. RVD was set to get his rematch for the IC Title at Summerslam and looks to keep it here over Jeff, who was cruising in the midcard and looks to take the title shot for himself. Both men get a big pop from the crowd and they are pretty split for the whole match. The two men lock up to start with RVD going behind Jeff who hits a back elbow and RVD leaps over him as he does a split, but Jeff blocks a monkey flip and hooks a rollup for a two count as he pounds on RVD in the corner and whips him into the other corner. Jeff avoids a leap and RVD catches him on a dropkick attempt as he slingshots him into the corner and hits a springboard kick for a two count, and he stomps and pounds on Jeff who catches him ducking with a kick as RVD ducks a shot and Jeff catches a kick attempt. He avoids an enzurgiri and RVD catches a kick attempt as Jeff hits a modified enzurgiri and both men roll outside, and Jeff tries to run the barricade only for RVD to hit a legsweep as Jeff falls to the floor and RVD hoists him up for a suplex before dropping him on the barricade. He gets on the apron and hits a spinning legdrop to the back of Jeff’s head as he throws him back into the ring, and he goes up top and hits a side kick on Jeff as he hits the Rolling Thunder for a two count and hooks a submission on. Jeff fights out of the hold and RVD reverses a whip into the corner as Jeff goes up top and hits Whisper in the Wind for a two count, and the two men trade blows with RVD getting a kick in though Jeff blocks a hiptoss attempt with a DDT and he goes up top. RVD gets a kick in and pounds on Jeff as he goes up himself though Jeff shoves him off the top with RVD landing on the ref by mistake, and Jeff sets himself on the top rope only to miss the Swanton as Matt Hardy runs down to the ring and he hits the Twist of Fate on Jeff. He heads to the back as RVD goes up top and hits the 5-Star Frog Splash on Jeff which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was good as both men worked hard and put on a solid match. Both men were hitting their stride by this point and they still had good chemistry, but this was more about Matt costing Jeff the match. The crowd was into the match and both men as they popped for RVD when he won. RVD gets the win over Jeff and both men move on. Grade: 2
Commercial break
We see an ad for Smackdown this Thursday.
Terri Runnels interviews the Un-Americans, who say that they are looking forward to Summerslam though it turns their stomachs to see Booker and Goldust become heroes to the American youth, and they say that the US is an embarrassment and they just learned that Test will face the Undertaker at Summerslam as he will bury the American Badass and they get a bonus tonight by taking out Rock.
We see Eric Bischoff go into the production truck as he asks about the Smackdown promo and they claim they had nothing to do with it, and Bischoff says that if Stephanie wants to promote a main event on his show, he’ll do the same as Rock and Triple H will face off next week.
Commercial break
6. Triple H and the Un-Americans defeat the Rock, the Undertaker, Booker T, and Goldust when Test pins Taker at 11:38.
Analysis: After a long and interesting night of wrestling, we come to our main event. All 8 men had gotten into it earlier in the night and now they face off here to settle their issues. Rock, Taker, Booker, and Goldust get big pops from the crowd while Triple H and the Un-Americans were red hot as heels. Goldust starts off the match with Christian and Goldust ducks a shot as he pounds on Christian who reverses a whip and Goldust catches him ducking with an uppercut, and Christian gets a kick in and pounds on Goldust in the corner though Goldust turns it around and pounds on Christian. He hits a butt slam on Christian for a two count and Christian gets a knee in as he pounds on Goldust and tags Storm, but Goldust hits an armdrag and works the arm as Booker tags in and he pounds on Storm before stomping on him. Both men counter a whip with Booker hitting a side kick and then he hits a superkick on Storm for a two count, and Rock tags in and pounds on Storm who reverses a whip and Rock catches him ducking with a kick as he sends Storm over the top to the floor. He calls for Triple H to come in only for Storm to nail him from behind and he stomps on him repeatedly as he chokes him with his boot, and he pounds on Rock who counters a whip as he gets a kick in and hits a DDT before nipping up and he knocks Test to the floor. He slings Triple H into the ring only for Christian to hit a clothesline on Rock and Triple H tags in as he knocks Rock down and stomps on him in the corner, and he pounds on Rock who battles back until Triple H reverses a whip and Rock ducks a shot only for Test to get a shot in from the apron as Triple H attempts the high knee. Christian tags in and stomps on Rock as he pounds on him until Rock reverses a whip and hits a belly-to-belly suplex, and Booker tags in only for Christian to rake the eyes and he pounds on Booker as he chokes him on the ropes with Storm doing the same from the apron. Christian pounds on Booker and tags Storm who stomps and pounds on Booker who reverses a whip and he hits a spin kick on Storm, and Storm reverses a whip and Christian gets a shot in from the apron as Booker knocks him to the floor and Storm hits a superkick on Booker. Test tags in and pounds on Booker as he rams him into the buckle and hits a series of back elbows in the corner, and he stomps on him repeatedly and whips him into the other corner as he splashes Booker for a two count with Goldust breaking it up. Triple H tags in and pounds on Booker as he gets a knee in and hits a snapmare before choking him on the mat, and he hits a suplex on Booker for a two count as Taker breaks it up and Christian tags in as he kicks at Booker. He hits a snapmare and hooks a submission on Booker who fights to his feet and breaks the hold only for Christian to hit a dropkick, and Test tags in and stomps on Booker repeatedly as he goes back to the submission and Booker fights to his feet and breaks the hold. He gets a shot in only for Test to catch him in a sidewalk slam for a two count as Rock breaks it up and Triple H tags in, and he pounds on Booker and hooks a sleeper on as Booker fights to his feet and breaks the hold though Triple H catches him ducking with the facebuster. Booker recovers quicky with the side kick and Taker gets the hot tag as he fires up on Test and hits a big boot, and he knocks Storm down and hits a back elbow on Christian as he knocks Triple H to the floor and he hits a back elbow on Storm in the corner. He splashes Test in the other corner and does the same to Storm as he splashes Test again in the corner and grabs Storm by the throat, and Christian goes up top only for Taker catch him coming in by the throat though Triple H nails him from behind. All 8 men brawl in the ring as Taker ducks a double clothesline attempt and he hits one of his own on Triple H and Test, and he grabs Test by the throat only for Triple H to hit a low blow and Test gets a kick in as he looks for the pump handle powerslam. Booker hits a side kick on Test and Triple H clotheslines Booker over the top to the floor as Taker hoists Triple H onto his shoulder though Triple H slides off, and he gets a kick in and looks for the Pedigree only for Rock to come in and he pounds on Triple H as he sends him over the top to the floor. Rock avoids the big boot and hits the Rock Bottom on Test for a two count as Triple H pulls Rock out of the ring, and Storm gets in the ring though Taker blocks a superkick as he grabs Storm by the throat and he hits the chokeslam. Christian brings one of the belts into the ring though Taker gets a kick in and he sets him up for the Last Ride, but Test gets in the ring and hits the big boot on Taker which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was pretty good as both teams worked hard and put on a fun tag match. Both teams looked good together and had good chemistry as Test is able to take advantage and pin Taker in a major upset. The crowd was into the match and Rock’s team, but are not happy when the Un-Americans and Triple H win. The Un-Americans and Triple H get the win over Taker, Rock, Booker, and Goldust as both teams move on. Grade: 3
After the match, Taker regroups and the Un-Americans head up the ramp as we go off the air.
Final Analysis: Overall, this edition of RAW was a pretty solid show as we continue the build to Summerslam. With most of the card still not set in stone even with the main event already set, this was a good show to fill out the card for Summerslam as most of RAW’s matches are made here. We did get a title match as Dreamer still rules the Hardcore division while Nowinski, Molly, Booker, Jericho, Show, RVD, Triple H, and the Un-Americans get big wins, and in terms of the matches the main event was easily the best while the rest was standard for TV. 2002 has been an interesting year to this point as the summer has been pretty hot with both shows finding their identity, and as we head to Summerslam we will see which brand has the better night. As for this show, it is a pretty good show to continue the build to Summerslam. Final Grade: C+