May 4th, 2002
Wembley Arena
London, England
Note #1: This is the first PPV that is exclusive to one brand which is RAW
Note #2: This is the final PPV, and overall show, to be held by the company while still called the World Wrestling Federation, or WWF
Dark Match:
1. Mr. Perfect defeats Goldust.
Actual Show:
We see the opening video for Insurrextion.
Your hosts are Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler.
1. Rob Van Dam defeats Eddie Guerrero by disqualification at 11:24; Eddie retains the WWF Intercontinental Championship.
Analysis: We kick off this UK-exclusive PPV with our first title match. Eddie won the IC Title from RVD at Backlash and now RVD comes here to get his rematch. RVD gets a big pop from the crowd while Eddie was pretty hot as a heel. The two men square off to start with Eddie going behind RVD who turns it around and Eddie escapes by working the arm, and he takes RVD to the mat and RVD nips up as he takes control of the arm and he attempts a legsweep before tripping Eddie up. Eddie trips RVD up and they have a standoff as they exchange shoves and RVD taunts Eddie who pounds on him, and RVD reverses a whip and hits a spin kick on Eddie who rolls outside to regroup and RVD hits a baseball slide. He slingshots out to the apron and hits a moonsault onto Eddie on the floor as he kicks at him and throws him back into the ring, and he hits a slingshot legdrop on Eddie for a two count and then he hits a front powerslam as he hits a split-legged moonsault for a two count. He pounds on Eddie in the corner and rams the shoulder into the ribs repeatedly as he does a backflip and Eddie avoids a charge, and he hooks a sunset flip on RVD who rolls through though Eddie gets a shot in and he hooks a headlock as RVD whips him off. He hits a monkey flip on Eddie who avoids a charge as RVD tumbles through the ropes to the outside and Eddie rolls outside, and he stomps on RVD and pounds on him as he rams him into the steps and throws him back into the ring. He continues to stomp on him and hits a back elbow for a two count as he pounds on RVD and rams him into the buckle, and he stomps on him in the corner and pounds on him as he drives the elbow into the back of RVD’s head and he hits a brainbuster for a two count. RVD tries to battle back only for Eddie to rake the eyes and he hits a back suplex as he goes out to the apron and hits a slingshot somersault senton for a two count, and he hooks a submission on RVD who reaches the rope to force a break and Eddie slingshots RVD throat first into the bottom rope. He stomps on RVD repeatedly and chokes him with his boot as RVD gets a shoulder in and attempts a slingshot sunset flip, and Eddie holds the rope to block it and the ref kicks his hand off as RVD hooks the sunset flip for a two count. Eddie argues with the ref and RVD hooks a rollup for a two count as Eddie hits a clothesline and stomps on RVD, and he hooks another submission on RVD who grabs the rope to force a break as Eddie pounds on him in the corner. RVD turns it around and kicks at Eddie in the corner until Eddie hits a dropkick to the knee and he hooks another submission on the leg, and RVD fights his way out of the hold only for Eddie to again hit a dropkick to the knee and he stomps on him. He drops a pair of elbows on the knee and goes back to the submission on as RVD tries to battle back, and RVD reverses a whip and Eddie flips over his back as RVD hits a superkick and the two men trade blows. RVD fires up on Eddie and whips him into the corner as he hits a monkey flip and clothesline before hitting a suplex for a two count, and he hits a slam and the Rolling Thunder on Eddie for a two count as Eddie leaps onto RVD’s shoulders though RVD hits a rolling senton. He hits a springboard moonsault on Eddie for a two count and Eddie escapes a slam attempt as RVD catches a kick attempt and hits a spin kick, and he goes up top only to miss the 5-Star Frog Splash and Eddie rolls outside as he brings the belt into the ring. The ref tries to take the belt from him and Eddie throws him to the mat which draws the DQ and RVD wins the match though Eddie retains the title. The match itself was good as both men worked hard and put on a solid title match. RVD was hitting his stride by this point while Eddie was getting back into a groove, and they still had good chemistry though it did seem like they never hit the next gear and the DQ hurt it a bit. The crowd was into the match and RVD, but are not happy with the ending. RVD gets the win by DQ and Eddie escapes with the title as this issue isn’t over yet. Grade: 3
After the match, Eddie chases the ref around and into the ring only for RVD to hit a spin kick and he pounds on Eddie, and he presses Eddie up and hits a dropkick as he grabs the belt and hits Eddie in the head with it before going up top and he hits the 5-Star Frog Splash.
Terri Runnels interviews Jazz and Molly Holly, who say that they have a problem with all the Divas who exploit their bodies and they don’t have to take their clothes off to prove they’re the most beautiful Divas, and they say the UK newspaper corrupts the people and the country is full of trash though they will tonight for morality as Runnels says they are jealous of her and she shows off her chest and they walk off in disgust.
2. Trish Stratus and Jacqueline defeat Jazz and Molly Holly when Stratus pins Jazz at 7:43.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our first tag match of the night. Stratus has been having issues with Jazz and Molly and she teams with Jacqueline here to face them in a tag match. Stratus and Jacqueline get a good pop from the crowd while Jazz and Molly had solid heat as heels. Jazz and Molly waste no time and attack Stratus and Jacqueline to start the match as Jazz throws Stratus to the outside, and they hit a double suplex on Jacqueline who counters a whip and hits an atomic drop on Molly as she trips her up and pounds on her on the mat. They continue to brawl as they roll over the ref and Molly argues with him as Jacqueline hooks a rollup for a two count, and Jazz comes in and they stomp on Jacqueline as they hit a double clothesline for a two count. Jacqueline ducks a shot and Jazz catches her on a crossbody attempt as she hits a front powerslam and a legdrop, and Jacqueline reverses a whip into the corner and Jazz catches her with a boot to the face as she hits a clothesline only to miss a second legdrop. Stratus tags in and she pounds on Jazz who catches her with a jawbreaker and then Stratus catches her ducking with a kick, and she throws Molly into the ring and stomps on her as she pounds on her in the corner only for Jazz to hit a spin kick. She kicks at Stratus and hoists her up in a chickenwing as she slams her to the mat for a two count and Molly tags in, and she slams Stratus’ face into the mat and whips her into the corner as she hits a handspring elbow for a two count. Jazz tags in and they hoist Stratus up by her hair as they slam her to the mat for a two count and Jazz pounds on Stratus, and Stratus tries to battle back only for Molly to get a knee in from the apron and Stratus knocks her to the floor. She hooks a backslide on Jazz though the ref is distracted by Jacqueline and Stratus gets a two count and she argues with the ref, and Jazz hooks a rollup for a two count and Stratus ducks a shot as she hits a neckbreaker on Jazz for a two count. Jazz knocks her down though Jacqueline tags in and she pounds on Jazz who rakes the eyes only for Jacqueline to hotshot her on the top rope, and they trade rollup attempts and Jacqueline ducks a shot as she gets a kick in and hits a DDT on Jazz for a two count as Molly breaks it up. Jacqueline knocks Molly to the outside and Jazz trips her up as she hooks the half Boston crab on Jacqueline, and she transitions into an STF on Jacqueline though Stratus breaks it up as Molly comes in and stomps on Jacqueline. Jacqueline ducks a double clothesline as Stratus comes in and they hit a double clothesline on both women, and they pound on Jazz and Molly until Molly gets a knee in on Jacqueline as she rams her into the buckle and stomps on her in the corner. Jazz pounds on Stratus in the other corner and they whip them into each other as Stratus and Jacqueline do a do-si-do, and Stratus hits the Stratusfaction on Jazz while Jacqueline hits a tornado DDT on Molly as both get the three and they win the match. The match itself was decent as both teams worked hard and put on a decent tag match. Both teams looked good and they had good chemistry as Stratus and Jacqueline get the clean win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Stratus and Jacqueline when they won. Stratus and Jacqueline get the win over Jazz and Molly as both teams move on. Grade: 2
We see the New World Order in their dressing room as X-Pac says he can’t wait to get his hands on Bradshaw and he’s still mad about what happened on RAW, and he says that he’ll do to Bradshaw what he did to Kane and he asks Hall to stay back as Hall says he wouldn’t come back to this country.
3. X-Pac pins Bradshaw with the X-Factor at 8:49.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a pretty big matchup. Bradshaw has continued to have issues with the nWo and looks to finally take care of them here by taking out X-Pac. Bradshaw gets a good pop from the crowd while X-Pac had solid heat as a heel. The two men lock up to start with Bradshaw shoving X-Pac to the mat and they lock up again with X-Pac hooking a headlock, and Bradshaw whips him off and knocks him down as X-Pac rakes the eyes and Bradshaw reverses a whip before hitting a big boot. He pounds on X-Pac and rams him into the buckle as he whips him into the other corner and hits a backdrop, and he kicks at X-Pac in the corner and whips him into the other corner as he splashes him and whips him back into the other corner only to miss a charge. X-Pac kicks at him repeatedly in the corner and Bradshaw reverses a whip as X-Pac ducks a shot and Bradshaw catches him on a spin kick attempt, and he hits a powerbomb on X-Pac and pounds on him as X-Pac ducks a shot and hits a dropkick to the knee. He kicks at Bradshaw’s knee repeatedly and takes the pad off the middle buckle as he rams Bradshaw into the exposed buckle repeatedly, and he pounds on Bradshaw in the corner and chokes him as he stomps on him repeatedly and drives his knee into Bradshaw’s knee. He pounds on Bradshaw who is busted open and hits a spin kick for a two count as he pounds on him on the mat and chokes him with his boot, and he kicks and pounds on Bradshaw as he chokes him on the mat and hooks a submission on before driving the elbow into the top of Bradshaw’s head. He rams Bradshaw into the buckle and pounds on him in the corner as Bradshaw battles back only for X-Pac to pound on him in the corner, and Bradshaw comes out with a powerbomb and he fires up on X-Pac as he hits a back elbow and whips him into the corner before splashing him. He whips X-Pac into the other corner and X-Pac catches him with a boot to the face only for Bradshaw to catch him in a powerslam for a two count, and he hits a neckbreaker on X-Pac and goes up top as he hits a flying tackle on X-Pac for a two count. X-Pac ducks a shot and hits a spin kick on Bradshaw for a two count as he goes up top only for Bradshaw to catch him on a crossbody attempt, and he hits the fallaway slam on X-Pac as Scott Hall runs down to the ring and he gets on the apron as Bradshaw sets up for the powerbomb. Bradshaw scares him to the floor and hits the big boot on X-Pac as Hall grabs the bell hammer and Bradshaw reaches for him, and Hall hits Bradshaw in the head with the hammer and X-Pac gets a two count as he chokes Bradshaw with his boot in the corner. Bradshaw avoids the Bronco Buster as X-Pac crotches himself in the corner and he reverses a whip into the corner though he misses a charge, and Hall gets on the apron as X-Pac avoids the Clothesline from Hell and Bradshaw knocks Hall off the apron. X-Pac catches Bradshaw with a low blow and then he hits the X-Factor which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was good as both men worked hard and put on a solid match. Bradshaw was getting into a groove as a singles star while X-Pac was hitting his peak by this point, and they had good chemistry as Hall helps X-Pac get the win. The crowd was into the match and Bradshaw, but are not happy when X-Pac wins. X-Pac steals the win over Bradshaw though this issue isn’t over yet. Grade: 2.5
Jonathan Coachman interviews the Undertaker, who says that he’s in a bad mood tonight and he will give Triple H the beating he gave Hulk Hogan this past week on RAW, and he says that he will show no remorse and no passion for the beating that he gives Triple H tonight. He says that Triple H loves the business while the business gives him the chance to beat the hell out of people because he likes it, and he says that Triple H came back from a career-ending injury though he is Triple H’s biggest obstacle and he will shatter his dreams tonight.
We see a shot outside Wembley Arena.
We see highlights from RAW earlier this week.
4. Booker T pins Steven Richards with the Bookend at 9:50 to win the WWF Hardcore Championship.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our second title match of the night. Richards won the Hardcore Title on RAW a few nights ago and looks to have a successful defense here against Booker, who was cruising in the midcard and looks to become champion. Booker gets a good pop from the crowd while Richards had decent heat as a heel. The two men lock up to start with Richards hitting an armdrag and they lock up again with Booker backing Richards into the corner, and he stomps on Richards repeatedly and pounds on him as he goes outside and throws various weapons into the ring though Richards throws them back out of the ring. Booker brings a metal tray into the ring and hits Richards in the back of the head with it as he hits a back elbow and gets a kick in, and he hits a spin kick on Richards and throws him over the top to the floor as he goes outside himself and rams him into the steps. He hotshots Richards on the barricade and pulls out a broom as he hits Richards in the back with it and throws him back into the ring, and Richards begs off though he rakes the eyes and pounds on Booker who counters a whip with a side kick for a two count. He hits a suplex on Richards and goes outside as he brings a trash can into the ring and he hits Richards in the head with it, and he tosses the can to Richards and kicks it into him for a two count as Richards battles back until Booker reverses a whip and hits a flapjack. He rams Richards into the buckle twice until Richards catches him with a low blow and he stomps on Booker, and he hits Booker in the head with the tray for a two count as Booker reverses a whip and he hits a backdrop on Richards. He charges at Richards who backdrops him over the top to the floor and he tosses the can at Booker as he goes outside himself, and he gets a two count and throws Booker back into the ring as he drops an elbow on him and pounds on him. Booker battles back until Richards holds the ropes on a whip and he avoids the side kick as Booker crotches himself on the top rope, and Richards hits Booker in the back with the tray and stomps on him for a two count as he hooks a submission on. Booker fights to his feet and breaks the hold as he hits a slam on Richards and grabs the can only for Richards to dropkick the can back in Booker’s face for a two count, and he wedges the can in the corner only for Booker to reverse a whip and he sends Richards into the can. The two men trade blows with Booker taking control as Richards ducks a shot and Booker hits a flying forearm, and he hits a spinebuster on Richards for a two count and both men counter a whip as Booker hits a side kick on Richards and goes outside. He brings a trash can into the ring and puts it over Richards as he goes up top and hits a missile dropkick for a two count, and Booker gets a kick in only for Richards to hit the Steven Kick for a two count and Booker ducks a shot as he hits the Bookend which gets the three and we have a new champion. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a basic title match. Booker was getting into a groove by this point while Richards was still pretty serviceable, and they had good chemistry though didn’t get as hardcore as it could’ve gotten though it was a good win for Booker. The crowd was into the match and did pop for Booker when he won. Booker gets the win over Richards and is the new Hardcore Champion, but he would not get to enjoy his reign. Grade: 2
After the match, Crash Holly runs down to the ring with a referee and hooks a rollup on Booker which gets the three and he wins the Hardcore Title, and he mocks Booker who hits the scissors kick which gets the three and Booker regains the title as Tommy Dreamer and Justin Credible run down to the ring. They attack Booker and Dreamer hits the DDT on Booker before rolling outside as Credible stomps on Booker, and Dreamer pulls a table out and slides it into the ring as he and Credible set it up though Booker battles back and hits a clothesline on Dreamer. He hits a clothesline on Credible and kicks at Dreamer before pounding on him until Credible nails him from behind, and Dreamer holds Booker from behind only for Booker to avoid the superkick as Credible hits Dreamer instead. Booker hits a superkick on Credible and does the Spinaroonie as Jazz runs down to the ring and hits a low blow on Booker, and Richards gets back in the ring and hits a flapjack that puts Booker through the table which gets the three and he regains the Hardcore Title as he runs to the back with Jazz.
We see the buildup to the next match.
We see Shawn Stasiak in his dressing room as Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come in as Stasiak says he’s excited to be teaming with Lesnar and they will be unstoppable, and Heyman says they should talk strategy in that Lesnar works the whole match with Stasiak standing on the apron and he can have an easy night. He says that they didn’t want this match and Lesnar wants the Hardyz, so they picked Stasiak so he can stay out of the match and let Lesnar do his thing, and Lesnar says that if Stasiak doesn’t do what he’s told, the beating he got on RAW will be nothing compared to what happens tonight.
5. The Hardy Boyz defeat Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) and Shawn Stasiak when Jeff pins Stasiak at 6:42.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our second and last tag match of the night. The Hardyz were still having issues with Lesnar and they face him here in a tag match as Stasiak is named Lesnar’s partner. The Hardyz get a big pop from the crowd while Lesnar and Stasiak had solid heat as heels. Stasiak jumps in the ring only for Jeff to hit a flying forearm to start the match and he pounds on Stasiak in the corner, and Stasiak reverses a whip into the other corner and Jeff leaps over him only for Stasiak to hit a spinebuster. He stomps on Jeff repeatedly and pounds on him in the corner as he whips him into the other corner and hits a sidewalk slam for a two count, and he hooks a submission on Jeff who fights to his feet though Stasiak holds onto his hair and Jeff hits a jawbreaker. Matt tags in and fires up on Stasiak who reverses a whip as Matt ducks a shot and hits the Side Effect with Jeff coming in, and they whip Stasiak into the corner and attempt Poetry in Motion only for Lesnar to pull Stasiak away and he tags in. Matt pounds on Lesnar who rams him into the corner and he rams the shoulder into the ribs repeatedly as he stomps on him, and Matt tries to battle back and pounds on Lesnar in the corner as Lesnar reverses a whip into the other corner and Matt catches him with a boot to the face twice. He goes up to the middle rope and Lesnar catches him on a crossbody attempt as he hits a backbreaker and hoists him onto his shoulder, and he hits a powerslam on Matt and rams the knee into him twice as Matt catches him ducking with a kick only for Lesnar to hit a powerslam. He knocks Jeff off the apron and Matt tries to battle back only for Lesnar to pound on him and he rams him into the buckle, and he rakes Matt’s face across the top rope and chokes him with his boot as he hits a suplex and rams him into the corner twice. Matt avoids a charge and Lesnar rams his shoulder into the post as Stasiak tags himself in only to miss a charge in the corner and Jeff gets the hot tag, and he knocks Stasiak down and hits a dropkick as he trips him up and hits a legdrop to the groin as Stasiak reverses a whip into the corner. Jeff goes up top and hits Whisper in the Wind on Stasiak for a two count as Matt comes in and they knock Lesnar off the apron, and they whip Stasiak into the corner and Stasiak backdrops Jeff over the top with Jeff landing on the apron. Matt ducks a shot and gets a kick in as he hits the Twist of Fate on Stasiak with Jeff going up top and he hits the Swanton which gets the three and they win the match. The match itself was decent as both teams worked hard and put on a basic tag match. The Hardyz were hitting their peak as a team while Lesnar and Stasiak had decent chemistry, and both teams had decent chemistry as Stasiak takes the pin and Lesnar stays protected. The crowd was into the match and popped for the Hardyz when they won. The Hardyz get the win over Lesnar and Stasiak though their issues with Lesnar aren’t over yet. Grade: 1.5
After the match, Lesnar gets in the ring and hoists Jeff onto his shoulders as he hits the F-5 and then he hoists Matt onto his shoulders before hitting the F-5, and he hits a spinebuster on Stasiak and stomps on him before hitting a spinning powerbomb.
We see highlights from the Make-a-Wish charity dinner and auction the night before.
Jonathan Coachman interviews William Regal, who says that he’s the kind of person that made this country great and he has fighting spirit and dignity, and he says that he’s achieved his dreams though the rest of his countrymen disgust him as they are underachievers and have no future. He says that he is pleased to wrestle Spike Dudley and bring the European Title back around his waist so the people can have some sunshine in their miserable lives.
6. Spike Dudley pins William Regal with a small package at 4:56 to retain the WWF European Championship.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our third title match of the night. Spike upset Regal about a month ago to win the European Title and now Regal comes here looking to regain the title in his home country. Spike gets a good pop from the crowd while Regal gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. The two men lock up to start with Regal working the arm and he snaps Spike to the mat as he drops a knee on him, and he trips Spike up and rakes his boot across his face as he hits a snapmare and drops a knee on him again. He pounds on Spike in the corner and Spike battles back as Regal reverses a whip and Spike ducks a shot before hitting a flying forearm, and he hits a trio of dropkicks on Regal who begs off and Spike gets a kick in as he pounds on Regal in the corner. He whips Regal into the other corner and hits a headbutt to the groin as Regal escapes a Dudley Dog though Spike seemingly injures his foot, and the ref checks on Spike as the trainer comes out as well and they take Spike’s boot off before helping him out of the ring and they start to take him to the back. Regal goes outside and kicks at Spike’s leg as he throws him back into the ring and slams his leg into the mat, and he hits a slam with Spike’s leg bouncing off the ropes and he stomps on him as he hits a double underhook powerbomb for a two count and he looks for another suplex only for Spike to hook a small package which gets the three and he retains the title. The match itself was nothing much as Regal dominated it and it did hit a lull with the stoppage in the middle, but Spike again pulls an upset to retain. The crowd was into the match and popped for Spike when he won. Spike retains the title over Regal though this issue isn’t over yet. Grade: 1
After the match, Regal puts on a pair of brass knuckles and knocks Spike out with them as he heads to the back and the ref helps Spike to the back.
We see the buildup to the next match.
7. Stone Cold Steve Austin pins the Big Show with two Stunners at 15:00.
Special Guest Referee: “Nature Boy” Ric Flair
Analysis: Our last match before the main event is a pretty big matchup. Show turned on Austin a week ago on RAW and now Austin looks to get revenge here, and Flair inserts himself in this as well by making himself the second ref. Austin gets a huge pop from the crowd as does Flair while Show had solid heat as a heel. The two men lock up to start with Show backing Austin into the corner and he gives a clean break as they lock up again with Show again backing Austin into the corner and he gives a clean break, and Austin does a set of pushups randomly and they lock up a third time with Show shoving Austin into the ropes. They lock up again with Show backing Austin into the corner and he gives a clean break though Austin pounds on him, and Show reverses a whip and hits a back elbow as Austin rolls outside to regroup before returning to the ring. He teases a test of strength before kicking at Show’s knee repeatedly only for Show to hit a clothesline and Austin regroups in the corner, and they lock up with Show backing Austin into the corner and he pounds on him as Austin catches him ducking with a kick. He kicks at the knees repeatedly and knocks him down as he stomps on his groin and drops the elbow on the knee repeatedly, and he snaps the leg back and slams Show’s knee into the mat as he slams down on the knee twice and slides outside. He drags Show to the corner and rams his knee into the post repeatedly as he rolls back into the ring and chokes Show with the bottom rope, and Austin stomps on the knee repeatedly in the corner until Show hits a headbutt only for Austin to trip him up. He drops an elbow on the knee again and hooks a submission on as Show escapes by slamming his other leg into Austin’s head repeatedly, and Austin hits a chop block on the knee and stomps on it repeatedly as Show reverses a whip and Austin ducks two shots. Show catches him in a slam and drops an elbow on Austin as he stomps on him and pounds on him in the corner, and he tosses him out of the corner twice and he steps on Austin’s back as he pounds on the back and hits a suplex. He goes outside and drapes Austin on the apron as he pounds on him and he returns to the ring as Austin tries to battle back with kicks, and Show reverses a whip and hits a pair of backdrops on Austin as he drives his knee into Austin’s back in the corner. He chokes Austin and pounds on him as Austin catches him ducking with a kick only for Show to hit a clothesline for a series of two counts, and he stomps on Austin repeatedly and drops an elbow on him for a two count as Austin tries to battle back only for Show to get a knee in. He pounds on Austin and hooks a bearhug on as Austin tries to escape by biting Show’s face only for Show to hit a headbutt for a two count, and he hooks the bearhug back on Austin who escapes with a series of headbutts and Show reverses a whip into the corner as Austin catches him with a boot to the face twice. He goes up to the middle rope and hits the Lou Thesz press on Show as he pounds on him on the mat and he continues to pound on him, and Show hits a big boot on Austin who avoids a short clothesline and Show knocks the ref down by mistake. Austin gets a kick in and hits the Stunner on Show as Scott Hall and X-Pac come down to ringside while Flair gets in the ring, and Austin gets a two count as the nWo pull Flair out of the ring and Flair knocks both men down before pulling a pair of sticks out. He chases them to the back and Austin gets distracted as Show grabs Austin by the throat only for Austin to escape with a series of back elbows, and Show shoves him away and hits a big boot as he drops an elbow on him and pounds on him before hitting a headbutt. Just then, Kevin Nash comes out of the crowd with a pair of nunchuks as he gets in the ring while Show holds Austin from behind, but Austin kicks at Nash and hits a low blow on Show as he gets a kick in and hits the Stunner on Nash before kicking at Show and he hits a pair of Stunners which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was good as both men worked hard and put on a solid match. Austin was hitting his peak by this point while Show was getting back into a groove, and they had good chemistry as Austin overcomes the odds and gets the win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Austin when he won. Austin gets the win over Show though this issue isn’t over yet. Grade: 3
After the match, Flair runs back down to ringside and grabs a chair as he chases Nash to the back and Austin celebrates with a beer bash, and Flair runs back into the ring and grabs a mike as he says that Austin is the man and he told him he wouldn’t let him down. He says that if anyone came out and got involved, he would take care of it and Austin’s the man as Austin takes the mike and says “What” repeatedly, and then he reminds Flair of his recent decisions and now he wants to drink a beer with him. He says that he will let bygones be bygones as they share a beer until Austin gets a kick in and hits the Stunner on Flair before heading to the back.
We see the buildup to the main event.
8. Triple H pins the Undertaker with the Pedigree at 14:31.
Analysis: After a long and interesting night of wrestling, we come to our main event. Taker cost Triple H the Undisputed Title back at Backlash and now Triple H comes here looking to get revenge. Triple H gets a big pop from the crowd while Taker was pretty hot as a heel. The two men waste no time and brawl to start the match with Triple H taking control until Taker gets a knee in, and he pounds on Triple H who reverses a whip and Taker ducks a shot as Triple H hits the high knee and a backdrop. He clotheslines Taker over the top to the floor and goes outside himself as Taker gets a back elbow in and pounds on Triple H, and he hoists Triple H onto his shoulder only for Triple H to slide off and he sends Taker into the post before pounding on him. He throws Taker back into the ring only for Taker to hit a clothesline for a two count and he rams Triple H into the buckle, and he pounds on him in the corner and hits another clothesline for a two count as he works on the arm and he goes up top only for Triple H to toss him to the mat. He pounds on Taker on the mat and hits a suplex as he drops an elbow on Taker for a two count and Taker begs off, and he sends Triple H through the ropes to the outside and goes outside himself as Triple H gets a kick in and rams Taker into the announce table twice. He hits a clothesline on Taker and rolls back into the ring as Taker gets on the apron and Triple H pounds on him, and Taker hotshots Triple H on the top rope and rolls back into the ring as he splashes him in the corner and goes back outside. He drapes Triple H on the apron and drives the elbow into his throat twice as he gets on the apron and hits a legdrop to the back of the head, and he returns to the ring and Triple H catches him with a back elbow as he pounds on him until Taker ducks a shot and hits a chop block on Triple H. He drops an elbow on the knee and stomps on it as he pounds on Triple H and drops another elbow on the knee, and he hooks a submission on Triple H who escapes by slamming his leg into Taker’s head and he pounds on him. Taker gets hung up on the ropes as they break and Triple H stomps on him until Taker catches him with a low blow, and he drops an elbow on Triple H for a two count and hooks another submission on as Triple H fights to his feet and escapes the hold with a back suplex. Both men clothesline each other and Triple H avoids a boot as Taker crotches himself on the top rope and Triple H pounds on him, and he kicks at Taker and hits a swinging neckbreaker as he pounds on him and ducks a shot before hitting another neckbreaker. He hit a spinebuster on Taker for a two count and gets a kick in only for Taker to ram him into the corner and he hits a big boot, and he grabs Triple H by the throat only for Triple H to counter the chokeslam with a DDT for a two count and Taker reverses a whip into the corner. Triple H catches him ducking with the facebuster and Taker ducks a shot as Triple H gets a kick in though Taker escapes the Pedigree, and he grabs Triple H by the throat and hits the chokeslam for a two count as he goes outside and brings a chair into the ring. The ref tries to take the chair from Taker who pulls it away and Triple H kicks the chair back in Taker’s face for a two count, and Taker ducks a shot and gets a kick in as he hits a DDT on Triple H for a two count and he looks for the dragon sleeper. Triple H escapes and hits a clothesline on Taker for a two count as Taker reverses a whip into the corner, and he hoists Triple H up and hits Snake Eyes only for Triple H to hit the high knee as he gets a kick in and hits the Pedigree which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was good as both men worked hard and put on a solid match. Triple H was getting back into a groove while Taker was hitting his stride by this point, and they had good chemistry as they didn’t get completely derailed after the ropes broke and Triple H gets the win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Triple H when he won. Triple H gets the win over Taker and both men move on. Grade: 3
After the match, Triple H celebrates as we go off the air.
Note #3: After this show, the crew charted a private flight from England back to the United States and the subsequent flight would go down in infamy as the “Plane Ride from Hell”, and numerous incidents occurred on the flight including X-Pac cutting Michael Hayes’ hair, Goldust singing to his ex-wife Terri Runnels in a drunken state, and Mr. Perfect pranking Brock Lesnar which led to a fight between the two that nearly caused one of the plane doors to be knocked off. The most egregious incidents were Scott Hall and Ric Flair getting drunk and allegedly sexually harassing the flight attendants though Flair has since denied this occurred and as a result of these events, Hall and Perfect would be fired while Flair, Goldust, and X-Pac were reprimanded. In 2004, the two flight attendants would file a lawsuit against the WWF which was settled out of a court, and a more detailed look at the flight would be featured in 2021 as part of the Dark Side of the Ring series.
Final Analysis: Overall, this PPV exclusive to the UK was a solid show that didn’t have anything great on it, but there was nothing terrible on it either which is what we’ve come to expect from these shows. Given how starved for wrestling the UK fans typically are, they are going to be hot for anything they see and that is proven here as this wasn’t the greatest show on paper, but the crowd was still into it. We had a few title matches as Eddie, Richards, and Spike retain their titles while Stratus, Jacqueline, X-Pac, Booker, the Hardyz, Austin, and Triple H get big wins, and in terms of the matches the opener, Austin/Show, and the main event were the best while the rest ranged from solid to average. 2002 has been an interesting year to this point and this was the first big test of the brand extension with this being a RAW-only PPV, and we will see if the company feels strong enough to move forward with this. As for this show, it is a solid show that wasn’t great, but wasn’t terrible. Final Grade: C