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5/05/2024 5:08 pm  #1

WWA The Revolution

WWA the Revolution
February 24th, 2002
Aladdin Casino Center
Paradise, Nevada
Celebrity Appearance: Tantric
Note: The scheduled match between Brian Christopher and Disco Inferno was cancelled due to changes made in the card.
Actual Show:
Tantric perform the theme song for the Revolution, “Revillusion”.
We see the opening video for the Revolution.
Your hosts are Jeremy Borash and Mark Madden.
1. Nova defeats Low Ki, Shark Boy, Tony Mamaluke, A.J. Styles, and “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels in an Elimination match.
1. Shark Boy pinned by Ki at 7:49.
2. Mamaluke pinned by Styles at 11:27.
3. Ki pinned by Daniels at 15:23.
4. Daniels pinned by Styles at 18:14.
5. Styles pinned by Nova at 19:41.
Analysis: We kick off WWA’s first PPV of 2002 with a big elimination match. These 6 men were looking to stake their claim as the next contender for the Cruiserweight Title and they face off here to build momentum. All 6 men get a good pop from the crowd and they are pretty split for the whole match. Styles starts off the match with Mamaluke and they lock up with Styles hooking a headlock as he takes him to the mat, and Mamaluke escapes with a headscissors though Styles quickly escapes and they lock up again with Styles taking Mamaluke back to the mat with the headlock. Mamaluke again escapes with a headscissors and Styles again quickly escapes as they lock up a third time with Mamaluke working the arm, and Styles turns it around though Mamaluke regains control as he goes behind Styles who hits a fireman’s carry and continues to work the arm. Mamaluke again escapes with a headscissors and Styles quickly escapes again as they lock up with Styles going behind Mamaluke, and Mamaluke lands on his feet on a German suplex attempt and he hits one of his own as Shark Boy tags in. They tease a test of strength until Shark Boy hits a standing dropkick and he pounds on Mamaluke in the corner, and Mamaluke reverses a whip into the other corner and splashes Shark Boy as he works the arm until Shark Boy flips over him. He hits an atomic drop on Mamaluke and bites him on the ass as he ducks a shot and hits a hangman’s neckbreaker for a two count, and Ki tags in and ducks a shot as Shark Boy ducks a spin kick and hits an atomic drop only for Ki to kick him in the head. He pounds on Shark Boy in the corner as Daniels makes a blind tag and he hits a slingshot dropkick on Ki, and he pounds on Ki who ducks a shot and he pounds on Daniels who counters a whip though Ki ducks a shot. He knocks Daniels down and pounds on him as both men counter a whip with Ki hitting a spin kick and he tags Nova, and they lock up with Nova hooking a headlock and he knocks Daniels down as Daniels leaps over him and hits an armdrag. Nova hits an armdrag on Daniels who backdrops him over the top with Nova landing on the apron and he ducks a shot before getting a shoulder in, and he flips over Daniels’ back and pounds on him as he gets a pair of knees in and works the arm before tagging Ki. They hit a double front suplex on Daniels and Ki pounds on him as Daniels reverses a whip and Ki ducks a shot, and he hits a springboard kick on Daniels for a two count only for Daniels to hit a jawbreaker and Mamaluke tags in. He hits a back suplex on Ki and goes up top as Ki gets a kick in and crotches Mamaluke on the top rope, and he goes up himself as Shark Boy tags in and goes up as well as he hits a sunset flip powerbomb on Ki who hits a superplex on Mamaluke. Mamaluke reverses a whip and Shark Boy catches him ducking with a facebuster as Mamaluke rolls outside and Shark Boy fakes him out, and he ducks down to avoid Daniels who hits a suicide dive onto Mamaluke on the floor and Shark Boy hits a slingshot somersault plancha onto Daniels. Mamaluke backdrops Shark Boy over the guardrail into the crowd as Nova and Styles trade momentum and Mamaluke hits a tornado DDT on Shark Boy, and Styles trips Nova up and pounds on him on the mat until Nova hooks a submission on Styles while Shark Boy puts Mamaluke back into the ring. He goes up top and hits a hurricanrana on Mamaluke for a two count as Mamaluke reverses a whip into the corner, and Shark Boy catches him with a boot to the face and goes up to the middle rope as Ki tags in and Shark Boys hits an inverted facebuster on Mamaluke. Ki does a cartwheel and hits a spin kick on Shark Boy which gets the three and Shark Boy is eliminated as Styles comes in, and they block kick attempts until Styles goes behind Ki and takes him to the mat as he pounds on him. Ki kicks at Styles twice and pounds on him as Styles counters a whip and pounds on Ki who reverses a whip, and he hits a dropkick to the knee and he kicks at Styles repeatedly for a two count as he pounds on him. Styles battles back and both men duck a shot as they attempt stereo crossbodies and Daniels and Mamaluke tag in, and they trade blows until Daniels rakes the eyes and Mamaluke counters a whip with a knee as he hits a snap suplex into a Northern lights suplex for a two count. Daniels ducks a shot and hits a legsweep slam on Mamaluke as he goes up top only for Styles to cause Daniels to go into the tree of woe, and Daniels avoids a baseball slide from Mamaluke who knocks Styles off the apron and he goes up himself as he hits a back superplex on Daniels for a two count. Daniels ducks a shot and both men attempt a backslide as Daniels gets a kick in and hits the Angel’s Wings on Mamaluke, and Styles tags in and hits the Styles Clash on Mamaluke which gets the three and Mamaluke is eliminated as Nova comes in and hits a low dropkick on Styles. He hits a backbreaker and a rolling senton on Styles for a two count as Daniels tags in and they hit a double atomic drop on Styles, and Nova nails Daniels and pounds on Styles as he avoids a dropkick from Daniels who hits Styles and Ki tags in. He hits a snapmare on Daniels and kicks him in the back as he pounds on him and Daniels reverses a whip into the corner, and Ki catches him ducking with a kick and he leaps onto Daniels’ shoulders only for Daniels to hit an electric chair on Ki. Nova tags in and goes up top as he drops an elbow on Ki for a two count and he rams him into the buckle before stomping on him in the corner, and Ki reverses a whip into the other corner and Nova catches him with a back elbow as he goes up top only for Ki to crotch him on the top rope. He goes up himself as Daniels tags in and Nova hits a series of back elbows that causes Ki to fall into the tree of woe, and Daniels goes up himself only for Nova to knock him to the mat as Ki bridges up and hooks a Dragon sleeper on Nova on the top rope. Nova falls to the mat and Ki sets himself on the top rope as he hits a Phoenix Splash on Daniels for a two count, and he throws Daniels to the outside and Daniels avoids a baseball slide from Ki who slides out of the ring. Daniels rams Ki into the guardrail and gets on the apron as he hits a springboard moonsault onto Ki on the floor, and Styles goes up top and hits a Shooting Star Press onto Daniels on the floor as Nova goes up top only for Ki to pound on him. Nova shoves Ki to the mat only for Ki to go back up himself though Daniels leaps up top and hits a urinage on Ki which gets the three and Ki is eliminated, and Nova sets himself on the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Daniels as Styles gets in the ring and hits a clothesline on Nova. He kicks at him and hits a dropkick as Nova reverses a whip and Styles catches a kick attempt before ducking a shot and he hits a back elbow on Nova, and Styles catches a kick attempt from Daniels and avoids an enzurgiri as Daniels hits Nova instead and Styles kicks Daniels in the back. He hits a suplex neckbreaker on Daniels for a two count and Daniels gets a shot in as he hits a urinage on Styles, and he hits a double springboard moonsault on Styles for a two count as he hooks a Dragon sleeper on only for Nova to come in and pound on Daniels. He hooks a submission of his own on Daniels and both men counter a whip as Nova ducks a shot and Styles gets a shoulder in from the apron, and he hits a slingshot sunset flip on Nova who hits a German suplex on Daniels and Styles gets a two count on Nova. He pounds on Nova in the corner and Nova reverses a whip into the other corner as Styles catches him with a boot to the face, and he goes up to the middle rope though Nova blocks a tornado DDT attempt as he goes up himself until Styles shoves him to the mat. Daniels pounds on Styles and goes up himself though Styles blocks a hurricanrana with a super Styles Clash off the middle rope which gets the three and Daniels is eliminated, and Nova hooks a rollup on Styles for a two count and then he hooks another rollup for a two count as Styles catches him ducking only for Nova to get a kick in. He hits a Downward Spiral on Styles for a two count and Styles escapes a move as he hits a German suplex on Nova, and he floats over into a back suplex flapjack for a two count and goes up top as Nova nails him and goes up himself before hitting a superplex which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was really good as all 6 men worked hard and put on a fun, if sometimes sloppy match. All 6 men looked to get some shine here as Ki, Styles, and Daniels looked the best of the 6, and they did have good chemistry as Nova ends up surviving at the end. The crowd was into the match and popped for Nova when he won. Nova gets the win in this elimination match and all 6 men move on. Grade: 3.5
Bret Hart comes down to the ring and says that it’s a special thing to be here as he thought he’d never return to a wrestling ring especially in America, and he says that it’s great to be here and as the Commissioner, he’s making sure the young guys are getting their chance alongside the big names like Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett. He says that he hopes the fans take into account the effort given and as far as the main event tonight, he says that Randy Savage won’t be here and he has to pick the right guy to be the replacement as he’s taken a lot of things into account. He says that he’s been partial to the second generation wrestlers like Jarrett and he’s decided that Brian Christopher will get the title shot tonight, and he says that his experience with this company started last year in Australia and he wanted to say that he’s was always dubbed as an anti-American even though his mother was American. He says that while he was in Australia and around the world, they wept with America during 9/11 and he likes the integrity of the company which he hopes continues on, and he says that he wants to congratulate the Canadian hockey team for their win in the Olympics though he believes big things are in store for America as they will take out Osama Bin Laden and he thanks everyone for being here.
We see Puppet and Teo backstage arguing as the Funkster comes up to them and says that he’s got a big match shortly as he will show them how to wrestle properly, and he says that he doesn’t need any weapons as he has the legdrop and he’s sold out arenas worldwide as he wants them to take notes from a real wrestler.
2. The Funkster pins Reno with a legdrop at 7:34.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a pretty interesting matchup. Both men were just arriving to WWA and they face off here to build momentum. Funkster gets a good pop from the crowd while Reno gets a mixed reaction from his hometown. Reno wastes no time and hits a clothesline on Funkster to start the match as he stomps on him repeatedly and pounds on him, and Funkster reverses a whip and hits a clothesline on Reno as he whips him into the corner and splashes him. He whips him back into the other corner and splashes him again as he gets a kick in and he hits the Alley-Oop on Reno, and Reno rolls outside to regroup and trips Funkster up as he pulls him outside and pounds on him before throwing him back into the ring. He ducks a shot and pounds on Funkster who reverses a whip and he hits a hiptoss on Reno as he hits a front slam for a two count, and Reno blocks a suplex attempt as he hoists Funkster up and drops him on the top rope before hitting a dropkick that knocks Funkster to the floor. He goes outside and pounds on Funkster as he hotshots him on the apron and throws him back into the ring, and he stomps on Funkster repeatedly and works the arm as he hits a gutwrench suplex for a two count and he pounds on him in the corner. Funkster reverses a whip into the other corner and Reno catches him in a belly-to-belly suplex as he stomps on him for a two count, and he pounds on Funkster and works the arm as he hits a legsweep for a two count and Funkster ducks a shot. He hits a springboard sunset flip for a two count and Reno hits a clothesline as he hits a snapmare and hooks a submission on Funkster, and he drives the knee into his back twice and pounds on him as he goes back to the submission and Funkster fights to his feet. He knocks Reno down only for Reno to hit a modified suplex for a two count and he pounds on Funkster who starts to fire up, and he pounds on Reno who avoids the big boot and he gets a kick in as he hits an uppercut on Funkster. He gets a shot in and hits the Roll of the Dice on Funkster before going up to the middle rope only for Funkster to catch him coming in with a boot to the face, and Reno pounds on Funkster who fires up and he pounds on Reno before hitting the big boot. He gets a kick in and hits a piledriver on Reno before hitting the legdrop which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a basic match. Both men were getting back into a groove and they had decent chemistry as Funkster ends up getting the clean win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Funkster when he won. Funkster gets the win over Reno and both men move on. Grade: 2
We see a limo pull into the casino and Scott Steiner steps out of it with several women as they head into the casino.
Disco Inferno comes out and rants about not facing Brian Christopher tonight as he says he deserves the title shot, and he is issuing an open challenge to anyone who wants to face him tonight as he is joining the commentary until someone does.
3. Kronik defeat Native Blood when Bryan Clark pins the Navajo Warrior at 4:51.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our first tag match of the night. Kronik were fresh on the scene and look to make an impact here against the random team of Native Blood. Kronik get a good pop from the crowd while Native Blood get a tepid reaction from the crowd. Native Blood waste no time and attack Kronik from behind to start the match though Kronik battle back with Clark hitting a clothesline on Walker, and he sends Walker to the outside as Adams pounds on Warrior and hits a big boot before pressing him up and he tosses him onto Walker on the floor. Clark hits a somersault senton off the apron onto Native Blood and pounds on both men as he throws Walker back into the ring, and he rams Warrior into the steps as Adams pounds on Walker who rakes the eyes and he pounds on Adams who no-sells his shots. He ducks a shot and hits the full nelson slam on Walker for a two count as Warrior breaks it up and Adams rams Walker into the buckle, and Clark tags in and kicks at Walker repeatedly in the corner as he pounds on him and Walker catches him ducking with a kick. Warrior tags in only for Clark to catch him in a powerslam for a two count and he throws Warrior into the corner, and he stomps on him repeatedly and pounds on him as he whips him back into the corner and Warrior catches him with a back elbow. He pounds on Clark and kicks at him until Clark catches him in a urinage and Adams tags in as they hit a double back elbow, and Warrior ducks a shot and Walker makes a blind tag as Warrior slides under Adams and Walker hits a DDT. Native Blood hit a double dropkick on Adams for a two count and Walker pounds on Adams as Warrior tags in and they hit a double team for a two count, and Warrior pounds on Adams who reverses a whip and he hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Warrior. Clark tags in and hits a pair of clotheslines on Warrior as he hits a big boot on Walker and kicks at Warrior, and he hits the Meltdown for a two count as Walker breaks it up and Adams kicks at Walker before knocking him down. He throws Walker to the outside and then Kronik hit a double tackle on Warrior as they hit the High Tide which gets the three and they win the match. The match itself was pretty much a squash as Native Blood got a few shots in, but they put Kronik over strong in 5 minutes. The crowd was into the match and popped for Kronik when they won. Kronik get the win over Native Blood and both teams move on. Grade: 1.5
Terry Taylor interviews Puppet, who says that midgets are the true stars of America and when he was a little child, everyone would stop and stare as his ultimate goal is to destroy every midget in the country and he will be the true star.
We see the Columbia Staretts perform on the stage.
4. Puppet the Psycho Dwarf pins Teo with the TKO in a Falls Count Anywhere match at 7:38.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a pretty interesting matchup. These two were brought in to be a special attraction and they face off here in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Puppet wastes no time and attacks Teo on the stage with a trash can lid to start the match as he hits a slam on the ramp, and then he hits a suplex on the ramp and he whips Teo into the post as Teo reverses a whip and sends Puppet into the steps. He pulls out a trash can and puts it over Puppet’s head as he grabs a chair and hits the trash can twice, and he goes up top and hits a splash onto the can for a two count as he pulls Puppet onto the apron and pounds on him. He puts Puppet on the ropes and slides the chair into the ring as he goes up to the middle rope as he hits a legdrop to the back of Puppet’s head which sends him into the chair, and he pounds on Puppet who reverses a whip and Teo ducks a shot as Puppet catches him on a crossbody attempt and hits a powerslam for a two count. He hits a jackhammer on Teo for a two count and then he hits a sidewalk slam for a two count as Teo attempts a headscissors, but Puppet blocks it with a submission and he goes outside as he throws the can into the ring only for Teo to pound on him coming in. He pounds on Puppet in the corner until Puppet comes out with a powerbomb for a two count and he grabs the can which he wedges in the corner, and Teo reverses a whip and sends Puppet into the can as he goes up top only to miss a senton bomb. Puppet throws Teo to the outside and stomps on him as he pulls out a bag from under the ring and dumps out thumbtacks onto the stage, and he hoists Teo onto his shoulders and hits a TKO onto the tacks which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was nothing much as both men did what they could and put on a basic brawl. This was all about the spectacle of midgets wrestling and they didn’t let it drag too long. The crowd was in and out of it for the match and are not happy when Puppet wins. Puppet gets the win over Teo though this issue isn’t over yet. Grade: 1.5
After the match, Scott Steiner comes out with his ladies as he throws Teo and Puppet into the ring, and he hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Puppet and then he presses Teo up as he tosses him onto security at ringside. Scott takes the mike and says that everyone knows that when he rides the pink pony, he busts it as he took the ladies to his bungalow last night and had them screaming his name, and he says that Bret Hart didn’t consider him worthy enough for the title shot and all he cares about is his freaks and peaks. He says that he will kick someone’s ass tonight and goes outside as he heads toward the commentary table and slaps Inferno in the face, and he grabs Inferno and throws him into the ring as he stomps on him repeatedly in the corner and pounds on him. Inferno ducks a shot and kicks at Scott twice only for Scott to catch him in a belly-to-belly suplex and he stomps on him, and he pounds on Inferno in the corner and whips him into the other corner as Inferno catches him with a back elbow. He goes up to the middle rope only for Scott to nail him coming in and he rams Inferno into the buckle before hitting a spinning belly-to-belly suplex, and he hits a clothesline on Inferno and drops an elbow on him as he puts him on the top rope and goes up himself. He hits a belly-to-belly superplex on Inferno and does a series of pushups before hooking the Steiner Recliner on Inferno, and Scott brings his ladies into the ring and poses with them before heading to the back.
5. Eddie Guerrero defeats Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera in a Triple Threat match when he pins Psicosis at 12:40 to win the WWA International Cruiserweight Championship.
Title Change: At a house show on 12/8/01, Psicosis defeated Guerrera to win the International Cruiserweight Title.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our first title match of the night. Psicosis had defeated Guerrera two months ago to become champion and now faces a tough challenge here in the former champion Guerrera and the wild card in Guerrero. Psicosis gets a good pop from the crowd as does Guerrera while Guerrero gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. All three men lock up to start the match with Guerrero getting a kick in and all three men trade chops, and Guerrera knocks Psicosis back and ducks a shot as Guerrera hits a headscissors on Psicosis only for Guerrero to get a kick in. Guerrera escapes a move and gets a kick in only for Guerrero to backdrop him over the top to the floor and Psicosis hits a spin kick that sends Guerrero to the floor, and he hits a slingshot somersault senton onto both men on the floor and Guerrera and Psicosis trade blows until Psicosis reverses a whip into the guardrail. He throws Guerrero back into the ring and goes up top as he hits a spin kick for a two count and Guerrera gets in the ring, and Psicosis knocks him down and throws him to the outside as he hits a front suplex on Guerrero for a two count. He pounds on Guerrero and stomps on him in the corner as he whips him into the other corner only to miss a charge and he rams his shoulder into the post, and Guerrera gets in the ring and kicks at Guerrero in the corner as he pounds on him and he whips him into the other corner before splashing him. He puts Guerrero on the top rope and goes up himself as he hits a hurricanrana for a two count and he slides under him, and Guerrero hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Guerrera and then he hits a low dropkick as he stomps on Psicosis in the corner and pounds on him. He hits a clothesline and a brainbuster on Psicosis for a two count as Guerrera goes up top and hits a legdrop to the back of Guerrero’s head, and he pounds on Psicosis who reverses a whip though Guerrera slides under him and gets a kick in before hitting a pump handle facebuster for a two count as Guerrero breaks it up. He gets a two count as Guerrera breaks it up and Guerrero pokes him in the eyes only for Psicosis to catch him with a back elbow, and he pounds on Guerrero who reverses a whip and he hits a backdrop on Psicosis as he rakes his boot across his face. He pounds on Guerrera and hits a back suplex for a one count as Psicosis pounds on Guerrero and he whips him into the corner before splashing him repeatedly, and he hits a running bulldog for a two count as Guerrera breaks it up and he stomps on Psicosis before going behind him. Psicosis hits a series of back elbows as Guerrero goes behind Guerrera who hits a series of back elbows and a low blow on Guerrero, and Guerrera goes up top and hits a missile dropkick on Psicosis as he rolls outside to regroup and Psicosis knocks Guerrero down. He drops an elbow on Guerrero’s knee and hits a legdrop on it before hitting a falling headbutt as Guerrera gets back in the ring, and he nails Psicosis from behind and hits a snapmare as he hits a legdrop for a two count until Guerrero kicks at his knee. He pounds on Psicosis until Guerrera kicks at him and Psicosis trips him up as he grabs at the leg with Guerrera stomping on him, and Guerrera and Psicosis suplex Guerrero over the top to the floor and then they trade blows with Psicosis knocking Guerrera down. Guerrera gets a kick in and hits a wheelbarrow bulldog on Psicosis for a two count as Guerrero breaks it up, and Guerrera throws Guerrero to the outside only for Guerrero to grab at his hair from the apron though Guerrera pounds on him. He whips Psicosis into the corner only to miss a charge and Psicosis goes behind Guerera who turns it around, and Guerrero gets behind Guerrera and attempts a German suplex though Guerrera lands on his feet as Psicosis pounds on Guerrero. Guerrero avoids a double dropkick as Guerrera and Psicosis hit each other and Guerrero gets a two count on Guerrera, and he kicks at Psicosis in the corner and puts him on the top rope as he goes up himself until Guerrera goes up behind him. He hits a superplex on Guerrero as Psicosis sets himself on the top rope and he hits stereo legdrops on both men, and he gets a pair of two counts on both men as Guerrera ducks a shot and hits a wheelbarrow bulldog on both men for a pair of two counts. Psicosis reverses a whip and Guerrera hits a tornado DDT for a two count as Guerrero breaks it up and he kicks at Guerrera before suplexing him over the top to the floor, and Psicosis nails Guerrero from behind and hits a powerbomb as he puts him on the top rope before going up himself. Guerrero blocks a hurricanrana and Psicosis hits the mat as Guerrero sets himself on the top rope and hits the Frog Splash which gets the three and we have a new champion. The match itself was pretty good as all three men worked hard and put on a solid title match. Psicosis and Guerrera were hitting their groove by this point while Guerrero looked good in his first big match back after some time off, and they had good chemistry as Guerrero gets the win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Guerrero when he won. Guerrero gets the win over Psicosis and Guerrera and is the new Cruiserweight Champion as all three men move on. Grade: 3.5
After the match, Guerrero takes the mike and says that for the rest of the wrestling world, it’s no secret that everyone knows he’s been dealing with personal issues as his life has been a mess, and he says that starting tonight it doesn’t matter when or where he will start making a statement back into this business. Just then, we hear someone interrupt as Jerry Lynn comes down to the ring and says that Guerrero is emotionally distraught, and he pulls out a bottle of eyedrops and makes it like he’s crying as he says that he got choked up in the back though says not. Guerrero says that this has nothing to do with Lynn and he is sending a message so he doesn’t want him to steal his thunder, and Lynn says that all he hears is pissing and moaning as Guerrero has had a long run in the wrestling business. He says that Guerrero only got those opportunities because of his name and the fans came here to be entertained, but then Guerrero knocks Lynn down and says that Lynn needs to get in line as he’s not done with wrestling or with him as he slaps Lynn in the face. Lynn nails Guerrero from behind and pounds on him in the corner as he stomps on him repeatedly and Guerrero reverses a whip, and he hits a tilt-a-whirl shoulderbreaker on Lynn who rolls outside and Guerrero goes outside as well as he whips Lynn into the guardrail. He pounds on Lynn and knocks him over the guardrail into the crowd as he hits a brainbuster on the floor and throws him back into the ring, and Lynn catches him coming in with a legdrop to the back of the head and grabs the belt as he hits Guerrero in the ribs with it. He puts the belt on the mat and hits the cradle piledriver on Guerrero on the belt before grabbing the mike as he says that he’s coming for his title, and he puts the belt on Guerrero and heads to the back.
We see the Staretts dance on the stage.
6. Devon Storm pins Sabu (w/ Bill Alfonso) with a rollup at 20:39.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a pretty big matchup. This was one of the big matches hyped for the show as Storm looks to get the biggest win of his career over the legendary Sabu. Storm gets a good pop from the crowd while Sabu also gets a good pop from the crowd. The two men square off to start with Storm avoiding a dive from Sabu and then Sabu trips Storm up with Storm shoving him away, and they lock up with Storm working the arm until Sabu turns it around and he kicks at Storm before pounding on him. Storm rolls through and nips up as he hits a Northern lights suplex on Sabu and pounds on him before hitting a pair of headbutts, and he hits a jumping back elbow on Sabu for a two count and rams him into the buckle as he pounds on him in the corner. Sabu battles back on Storm in the corner and whips him into the other corner as Storm leaps over him and he goes behind Sabu, and he hits a German suplex on Sabu who rolls out to the apron and Storm pounds on him only for Sabu to escape a suplex back into the ring. He hits a springboard leg lariat on Storm and then he hits a hurricanrana that sends both men over the top to the floor, and Storm avoids a charge and sends Sabu into the steps as he rams him into the guardrail and he pulls Sabu onto the steps. He attempts a suplex only for Sabu to bounce off the ropes and Storm falls to the floor as Sabu gets in the ring, and he hits a slingshot plancha onto Storm on the floor and throws him back into the ring as he hits a springboard somersault senton for a two count. He hooks a camel clutch on Storm as we see Sabu is busted open and he stomps on Storm before kicking at him in the corner, and he whips Storm into the other corner and Storm catches him with a boot to the face as he goes up to the middle rope and hits a headscissors on Sabu. He hits a clothesline and a legdrop on Sabu for a two count as they trade blows until Sabu flips over Storm’s back, and he goes behind Storm who turns it around and he ducks a shot as he hits a Northern lights suplex for a two count. He hooks a submission on Sabu and pounds on him as he tears at his face until Sabu fights out of the hold and he pounds on Storm, and Storm ducks a shot and hits a back suplex on Sabu as he goes out to the apron and he hits a slingshot splash. He hits a springboard moonsault on Sabu for a two count and Sabu rolls outside as he trips Storm up and pulls him outside, and he whips Storm into the guardrail and sets the steps up as he leaps off the steps and hits Air Sabu on Storm. Alfonso pulls out a table and sets it up at ringside as Sabu pounds on Storm who counters a whip by hoisting Sabu onto his shoulders, and he hotshots Sabu on the guardrail and pounds on him as he hoists him up for a suplex only to drop him on the steps. He stomps on Sabu and rams him into the apron repeatedly as he gets in the ring and he kicks at Sabu who is on the apron, and he hits a slingshot sunset flip powerbomb on Sabu though he misses the table and lands on the floor. Sabu gets a shot in and whips Storm into the post as he puts him on the table and gets on the apron only for Storm to quickly get off the table, and he hotshots Sabu on the apron and throws him back into the ring as he gets on the apron only for Alfonso to grab at his leg. Sabu gets a shot in and drapes Storm on the ropes as he goes up to the middle rope and hits a legdrop on Storm, and Alfonso tosses Sabu a chair and Sabu throws it at Storm’s head as he sets the chair up and hits Air Sabu with Storm falling throat first on the chair for a two count. He stomps on Storm and sets the chair up as he hits the triple jump moonsault for a two count and he stomps on Storm, but Storm trips him up and sends Sabu face first into the chair as he pounds on him in the corner and whips him into the other corner. He catches Sabu on a leap and hits a Death Valley Driver on the chair for a two count as he hits a big splash for a two count, and he grabs the chair and hits a slam on Sabu onto the chair as he puts the chair on Sabu’s face and goes out to the apron. Storm hits a slingshot somersault legdrop that drives the chair into Sabu’s face for a two count and pounds on him on the mat as he tears at his eyes, and he throws Sabu to the outside and hits a baseball slide as he hits a slingshot plancha onto Sabu on the floor. Storm gets on the apron and hits a big splash on Sabu on the floor as he hoists him up in a wheelbarrow and hotshots him on the guardrail, and he hoists Sabu up and hotshots him on the guardrail again as he tosses another chair into the ring and sets both of them up. He pulls Sabu back into the ring and pounds on him as Sabu escapes a powerbomb attempt and pounds on Storm, and he gets a kick in and hits a suplex onto the chairs as he grabs one of the chairs and hits the Arabian facebuster on Storm. He goes up to the middle rope only for Storm to toss one of the chairs at him and Sabu falls over the top to the floor, and Storm goes outside and hits a headbutt on Sabu who battles back while Alfonso pulls the table aside and props it against the guardrail. Sabu hits a DDT on the floor and puts Storm against the table as he gets back in the ring and sets one of the chairs up, and he attempts a triple jump dive only for Storm to avoid him and Sabu crashes through the table. Storm throws Sabu back into the ring and Sabu blocks a suplex attempt as Storm gets a knee in and hits the Mind Bender for a two count, and Storm goes up top and hits a big splash on Sabu for a two count as Sabu battles back and hits a dropkick. He goes up top only for Storm to nail him first and he goes up himself though Sabu falls on top of a back superplex attempt for a two count, and Sabu goes up top again only for Storm to get a shot in and he goes up himself though Sabu pounds on him and shoves him to the mat. Sabu attempts a sunset flip only for Storm to sit on top for a two count as Alfonso pulls the ref out of the ring, and Storm goes outside and grabs Alfonso only for Sabu to hit a baseball slide that sends Storm into the guardrail. He grabs the chair and hits Storm in the head with it as he then tosses the chair at Storm’s head and throws him back into the ring, and he hits a springboard moonsault on Storm for a two count as Alfonso grabs a chair and Storm battles back. Sabu ducks a shot and holds Storm from behind as Alfonso gets on the apron with the chair, but Storm avoids the chair as Alfonso hits Sabu in the head by mistake and Storm hooks a rollup which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was great as both men worked hard and put on a really fun match. Storm was hitting his groove by this point while Sabu could still go despite starting to slow down a bit, and they had good chemistry as Storm gets the surprising win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Storm when he won. Storm gets the win over Sabu though this issue isn’t over yet. Grade: 4
After the match, Storm heads to the back as Alfonso hands Sabu the chair and Sabu tosses the chair at the back of Storm’s head, and he hits Storm in the back repeatedly with the chair as Alfonso grabs another table and he brings it onto the stage. Sabu pounds on Storm and puts him on the table as Alfonso holds him down and Sabu heads to the back, and he climbs up to the top of the set and Alfonso tosses him a chair as Sabu comes off with the atomic Arabian facebuster which puts Storm through the table.
7. Rick Steiner and Ernest “The Cat” Miller defeat the West Hollywood Blondes when Miller pins Lenny Lane at :58.
Analysis: Our last match before the main event is our second and last tag match of the night. Rick and Miller were new faces on the scene and look to get a win here over the Blondes, who were floating in the tag division and look to get a win here. Rick and Miller get a good pop from the crowd while the Blondes had decent heat as heels. Rick starts off the match with Lane and they lock up with Rick backing Lane into the corner and he gives a clean break, and Lane goes behind Rick who turns it around as he pounds on Lane and hits a low blow before continuing to pound on him. Miller tags in and whips Lane into the corner before hitting the Feliner which gets the three and he wins the match for his team. The match itself was basically a squash as the Blondes put Rick and Miller over strong in 58 seconds. The crowd was into the match and popped for Miller and Rick when they won. Rick and Miller get the quick and easy win over the Blondes and both teams move on. Grade: DUD
After the match, Rick and Miller chase the Blondes to the back with Miller getting a shot in at Madden at the table before heading to the back with Rick.
8. Jeff Jarrett pins Brian Christopher with the Stroke at 13:17 to retain the WWA Championship.
Replacement: Christopher is replacing Randy Savage, who had no-showed the event
Analysis: After a fairly quick and interesting night of wrestling, we come to our main event. Jarrett has been rolling as WWA Champion and was set to face Randy Savage, but Savage ends up no-showing and now Jarrett must face a new challenge in Christopher. Christopher gets a good pop from the crowd while Jarrett was pretty hot as a heel. The two men lock up to start with Jarrett hitting an armdrag and he does a strut to taunt Christopher as they lock up again with Jarrett hitting a hiptoss, and they lock up a third time with Jarrett hooking a headlock and he knocks Christopher down as Christopher leaps over him and hits a hiptoss of his own. He hits a slam on Jarrett and does a dance as he clotheslines him over the top to the floor and then he hits a baseball slide, and he does another dance as his pants fall down to his embarrassment as he pulls them up and Jarrett gets back in the ring. Christopher pounds on Jarrett who reverses a whip into the corner and Christopher catches him with a boot to the face, and he goes up to the middle rope and hits a missile dropkick on Jarrett for a two count as he then hooks a sunset flip for a two count. He kicks at Jarrett and hits a hangman’s neckbreaker for a two count as Jarrett rolls outside to regroup and Christopher goes outside as well, and he pounds on Jarrett and sends him over the guardrail into the crowd as he goes into the crowd as well and he pounds on Jarrett. They head through the crowd as Jarrett gets a shot in and he rams Christopher into the wall before whipping him into the wall, and he hotshots Christopher on the railing and stomps on him as he pounds on him while they head back to ringside. Jarrett chokes Christopher with his headband as he sends him over the guardrail back to ringside and Christian gets a kick in, and he rams Jarrett into the steps and then he throws him back into the ring though he misses a dive and crotches himself in the corner. Jarrett whips him hard into the corners twice and goes up top as he hits a crossbody though Christopher rolls through for a two count, and Jarrett stomps on Christopher who ducks a shot only for Jarrett to hook the sleeper on and he takes him to the mat. Christopher fights to his feet and breaks the hold as he ducks a shot and hooks a sleeper of his own on Jarrett, and Jarrett tries to escape with a back suplex though Christopher lands on his feet and he hits a superkick on Jarrett. He pounds on Jarrett who catches a kick attempt and Christopher hits an enzurgiri on Jarrett for a two count, and he goes up to the middle rope and Jarrett gets a shot in only for Christopher to catch him with a boot to the face. He hits a tornado DDT on Jarrett for a two count and Jarrett rolls out to the apron as Christopher gets a kick in, and he hits a slingshot sunset flip powerbomb on Jarrett on the floor and then he rams him into the guardrail twice. Jarrett rakes the eyes and grabs a chair until the ref takes it from him though Jarrett avoids a superkick as Christopher hits the ref by mistake, and Christopher grabs the chair and hits Jarrett in the back of the head with it before throwing him back into the ring. He goes up top and hits the Hip Hop Drop though the ref is still down as a second ref runs down to the ring and Christopher only gets a two count when the first ref pulls the second ref out of the ring, and the refs argue which distracts Christopher as Jarrett grabs the guitar and he breaks it over Christopher’s head. The first ref gets in the ring and Jarrett gets a two count as the second ref pulls the first ref back out of the ring, and the refs get in the ring and continue to argue with the first ref shoving the second ref down and the second ref hits a spear on the first ref before pounding on him on the mat. Jarrett grabs the second ref and throws him to the outside before going outside himself as he brings the belt into the ring, and Christopher ducks a swing and gets a kick in as he looks for a piledriver on the belt only for Jarrett to hit a low blow. Jarrett then hits the Stroke on the belt which gets the three and he retains the title. The match itself was good as both men worked hard and put on a solid title match. Jarrett was hitting his peak by this point while Christopher still was serviceable, and they had good chemistry despite the late replacement and Jarrett gets a solid title defense. The crowd was into the match and Christopher, but are not happy when Jarrett wins. Jarrett retains the title over Christopher and both men move on. Grade: 2.5
After the match, Jarrett celebrates with the title and heads to the back.
We see highlights from the Revolution as we go off the air.
Final Analysis: Overall, the second PPV for WWA was a much better outing than their first one though there were still some flaws here. It seemed like there was more balance on this show as they were wanting to showcase new guys while also bringing in the veterans, and they seemed to have a better flow for this show than the previous show last year. Jarrett is still the man while Guerrero now rules the Cruiserweight Division and Nova, Funkster, Kronik, Puppet, Storm, Rick, and Miller get big wins, and in terms of the matches Storm/Sabu was the best with the Cruiserweight matches right behind it and the rest were solid to slightly below average. After their first outing in 2001, it seemed like WWA was poised to gain some momentum as the year continues, but we will see how things play out with guys coming and going throughout the year. As for this show, it is a solid show that was better than Inception and looks to build WWA as the year continues. Final Grade: B-


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