WWA Eruption
April 14th, 2002 (taped April 13th)
Rod Laver Arena
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Actual Show:
We see the opening video for Eruption.
Your hosts are Jeremy Borash and Disco Inferno.
We see Sid Vicious arrive to the arena.
1. AJ Styles pins Nova with the Styles Clash at 4:11.
Stipulation: This is a semifinal match in the WWA International Cruiserweight Championship tournament
Analysis: We kick off this PPV with a pretty big matchup. These two faced off in the 6-pack a few months ago with Nova defeating Styles and now they face off here to see who will advance for the title. Styles gets a good pop from the crowd while Nova got a mixed reaction from the crowd. Nova offers a handshake and Styles kicks his hand away to start the match as they trade blows with Nova taking control, and he whips Styles into the corner and rams the shoulder into the ribs as Styles reverses a whip into the other corner and catches him on a leap. Nova hits a headscissors that sends Styles into the middle buckle and hooks a headlock as he knocks Styles down, and Styles leaps over Nova and knocks him down as Nova gets a kick in and goes back to the headlock before knocking him down again. Styles catches him in a hurricanrana and kicks him in the head as he kicks at him repeatedly and pounds on him, and Nova reverses a whip and Styles catches him ducking with a kick as Nova blocks a hurricanarana attempt and hits a sitdown powerbomb into a flapjack. He hits a step up enzurgiri on Styles for a two count and Styles tries to battle back as he gets a knee in until Nova blocks a shot, and he hits a gutbuster on Styles and hooks a submission on as he hits a headbutt and whips Styles into the corner. Styles catches him with a boot to the face and hits a spin kick on Nova as he kicks at him until Nova reverses a whip, and he hits a big boot on Styles for a two count and goes up top only to miss a senton as Styles gets a kick in and hits the Styles Clash which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a solid match. Both men were getting into a groove by this point and they had good chemistry as Styles gets the clean win to advance. The crowd was into the match and popped for Styles when he won. Styles gets the win over Nova and will challenge for the vacant title as both men move on. Grade: 2
We see Scott Steiner and Midajah arriving to the arena.
We see the WWA Starettes dance in the ring and on the ramp.
We see highlights from the Revolution.
Sid Vicious comes down to the ring and says that it’s been a long time since he’s heard a crowd cheer and he needed it, and he thanks the fans for their support and he also thanks Andrew McMannus for allowing him to be the WWA Commissioner. He says that he never thought he would be part of the business again and was asked to come to Australia to work, and he says that there are having problems with Scott Steiner who he says is one of the greatest talents in the business today. He says that Steiner doesn’t want to play by the rules and he is here to ensure that Steiner does as Steiner will get his title shot tonight, and he says that he might not be perfect though he will do what he can and he again thanks everyone for the chance to be here.
2. Jerry Lynn pins Chuckie Chaos with the package piledriver at 1:10.
Stipulation: This is a semifinal match in the WWA International Cruiserweight Championship tournament
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our second semifinal match. Lynn looked like he was set to face Eddie Guerrero for the Cruiserweight Title, but instead he now faces newcomer Chaos to see who will face Styles for the title. Chaos gets a good pop from his home country while Lynn had solid heat as a heel. Chaos wastes no time and attacks Lynn from behind to start the match as he pounds on Lynn and hits a spin kick, and Lynn backdrops him over the top with Chaos landing on the apron and he gets a shot in as he hooks Lynn and sends him over the top to the floor. Chaos hits a springboard twisting senton onto Lynn on the floor and throws him back into the ring as he gets on the apron, but Lynn avoids a ram as he hits a legdrop to the back of Chaos’ head and stomps on him as Chaos reverses a whip. Lynn avoids a spin kick and hits a clothesline before hitting the package piledriver on Chaos which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was nothing much as Chaos got a few shots in, but he puts Lynn over strong in 70 seconds. The crowd was into the match and Chaos, but they did pop for Lynn when he won. Lynn gets the quick win over Chaos and will now face Styles for the vacant title. Grade: .5
We see Puppet backstage yelling at someone to get on his knees and he will finish the job that he started at Revolution against Teo.
3. Teo pins Puppet the Psycho Dwarf with a splash off a ladder in a Hardcore match at 5:22.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a rematch from the last PPV. These two faced off at the Revolution with Puppet getting the win and now they face off here as Teo looks to get revenge. Teo gets a good pop from the crowd while Puppet had solid heat as a heel. Teo wastes no time and attacks Puppet to start the match as he pounds on him in the corner and hits a springboard headbutt to the groin, and he rams Puppet into the buckle and pounds on him in the corner as Puppet reverses a whip into the other corner and catches Teo on a leap. He hits a pair of slams on Teo and stomps on him as he goes outside and slides a trio of chairs into the ring, and he sets the chairs up and hits a suplex on Teo onto the chairs for a two count as he hoists him onto his shoulders only for Teo to escape with an inverted DDT. He goes up to the middle rope and attempts a move that gets botched for a two count as he pounds on Puppet in the corner, and he goes outside and throws a trash can into the ring which he wedges in the corner and he pounds on Puppet. Puppet reverses a whip and sends Teo face first into the can as he slams the can down on Teo and goes up to the middle rope, and he hits a springboard splash on Teo for a two count and Teo catches Puppet ducking with a shot as he hits a swinging neckbreaker. He goes up top and hits a senton on Puppet for a two count as he puts Puppet in the can and grabs the chair, and he hits Puppet repeatedly with the chair and goes outside as he pulls a ladder out and slides it into the ring. He pounds on Puppet while he’s still in the can and sets the ladder up as he climbs it and hits a splash which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was nothing much as both men did what they could and put on a basic brawl that was far less violent than their last match. Both men were hitting their groove and still had good chemistry, but they felt off on this night and it wasn’t has smooth as it could’ve been. The crowd was into the match and popped for Teo when he won. Teo gets his win back over Puppet though this issue isn’t over yet. Grade: .5
We see Queen Bea getting ready for her match.
We see Midajah walking backstage as Teo comes up to her and slaps her on the ass while dressed like Scott Steiner and he says that after she wins her match, he’ll show her who the real big bad booty daddy is and he’ll see her tonight.
4. Brian Christopher and Ernest “The Cat” Miller defeat Buff Bagwell and Stevie Ray when Christopher pins Bagwell at 8:06.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our lone tag match of the night. These four men were cruising in the midcard and face off here to build momentum. Christopher and Miller get a good pop from the crowd while Bagwell and Ray had decent heat as heels. Christopher starts off the match with Bagwell and they lock up with Bagwell raking the eyes as he pounds on Christopher, and he hooks a headlock on Christopher and knocks him down as Christopher leaps over him and Bagwell gets a kick in. He leaps over Christopher who blocks a hiptoss attempt and hits one of his own as he hits a slam on Bagwell and rams him into the buckle, and he hits a running bulldog on Bagwell and tags Miller as they hit a double back elbow on Bagwell and Miller gets a kick in. He does a split and hits an uppercut on Bagwell who ducks a shot and gets a kick in as he hits a swinging neckbreaker on Miller, and Ray tags in and stomps on Miller as he rams him into the buckle and pounds on him in the corner. He rams him into the buckle again and continues to pound on him in the corner while Bagwell chokes him from the apron, and Ray whips Miller into the other corner and pounds on him as he whips him back into the other corner only for Miller to catch him with a foot to the face. He avoids a charge and Christopher gets the hot tag as he ducks a shot and slides under Ray before getting a kick in, and he hits a DDT on Ray and a superkick on Bagwell as he goes up top only for Ray to catch him on a crossbody attempt. He hits a front slam on Christopher and then he hits a spinebuster on Christopher as Bagwell tags in and pounds on Christopher in the corner, and he argues with the ref as Ray hits a clothesline on Christopher from the apron and Bagwell rams him into the buckle before pounding on him in the corner. He whips Christopher hard into the corner and hits a snapmare as he hooks a submission on Christopher who fights to his feet and breaks the hold, and he ducks a shot and both men clothesline each other as Bagwell grabs at Christopher’s leg and Christopher hits an enzurgiri. Miller gets the hot tag and he fires up on Ray who reverses a whip and Miller ducks a shot as he blocks numerous shots and hits a chop to the throat, and he kicks at Ray and hits an uppercut as he pounds on Bagwell in the corner until Bagwell rakes the eyes. Miller reverses a whip and Bagwell attempts a sunset flip though Miller blocks it with a shot and he drops an elbow on Bagwell only for Ray to hit a clothesline, and Bagwell holds Miller from behind only for Miller to avoid the pump kick from Ray who hits Bagwell by mistake. Christopher goes up top and hits a missile dropkick on Ray as Christopher and Miller hit a double clothesline that sends Ray over the top to the floor, and they hit a double team on Bagwell and Christopher goes up top as he hits the Hip Hop Drop on Bagwell which gets the three and he wins the match for his team. The match itself was decent as both teams worked hard and put on a pretty basic matchup. All four men were clearly slowing down by this point and they seemed to be going in slow motion here though Christopher did bring the most energy. The crowd was into the match and popped for Miller and Christopher when they won. Christopher and Miller get the win over Bagwell and Ray as both teams move on. Grade: 1.5
After the match, Christopher takes the mike as Miller goes to leave only for Christopher to bring him back in as he says it’s time to dance, and he says that they shouldn’t dance alone as they bring numerous fans into the ring and the Staretts come down to the ring as well. Christopher shows them the dance to do and they all dance for the crowd until Inferno gets in the ring and does his own dance, and Christopher and Miller knock him down and the fans stomp him out of the ring.
The Funkster says that this will be a big challenge for him though he has sold out arenas and slammed giants, and he says he’s taken care of all the Canadians and he asks Ouelette what he will do when he feels the power and it will be a long way down.
5. The Funkster pins Pierre Ouelette with the legdrop at 6:15.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a pretty interesting matchup. Funkster was cruising in the midcard and looks to get a win here over Oulette, who was a fresh face on the scene and looks to get a win here. Funkster gets a good pop from the crowd while Oulette had decent heat as a heel. Oulette wastes no time and hits a clothesline on Funkster to start the match as he pounds on him and hooks a headlock, and he knocks Funkster down and pounds on him as he stomps on him in the corner as he whips Funkster into the other corner only to avoid a charge. He whips Ouelette into the other corner and splashes him as he whips him back into the other corner and splashes him, and he attempts a slam though Ouelette blocks it with a shot and he pounds on him as he presses Funkster up and hits a powerslam for a two count. He pounds on Funkster and hooks a sleeper on as Funkster fights to his feet and breaks the hold as he pounds on Ouelette, and Ouelette sends him through the ropes to the floor and Funkster gets on the apron as Ouelette gets a kick in and Funkster escapes a suplex back into the ring. Ouelette goes behind Funkster who hits a series of back elbows and hits a springboard sunset flip for a two count, and Ouelette ducks a shot and hits a modified suplex on Funkster for a two count as he hits the Michinoku Driver. He goes up top and hits a legdrop on Funkster for a two count as he pounds on him until Funkster battles back, and Ouelette blocks the big boot and hits a clothesline on Funkster as he hits a running sitdown powerbomb on Funkster. He goes up top and hits a senton on Funkster for a two count as Funkster starts to hulk up and he no-sells Ouelette’s shots, and he pounds on Ouelette and hits a tilt-a-whirl flapjack as he hits a slam on Ouelette who gets a shot in. They trade blows with Ouelette taking control and he whips Funkster into the corner before splashing him, and Funkster reverses a whip and hits the big boot before hitting a kick in and he hits a piledriver. He then hits the legdrop on Ouelette which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a basic match. Funkster was hitting his groove by this point while Ouelette looked decent despite being older, and they had decent chemistry as Funkster gets the clean win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Funkster when he won. Funkster gets the win over Ouelette and both men move on. Grade: 2
We see a vignette for Nathan Jones.
Scott Steiner and Midajah come down to the ring as he says that he’s been in Australia for 10 days traveling all across the country, and he says that every night he took the freaks to the mountaintop and they found nirvana as he proved he was a legend and a real man. He says that they found out what it was like to be satisfied by a real man unlike those that play cricket, rugby, and Australian style football, and he says that men of Australia have a problem with their manhood and he is here to win the World Title and beat someone up from Australia. He says that since Nathan Jones is from Australia, he will accomplish it all in one match and then he might beat up someone from the crowd, but then Nathan Jones comes out on the stage and says Steiner likes to run his mouth as he says the fans in the arena want to see him kick Steiner’s ass. Steiner says they don’t have to wait and they can do it right now as Jones comes down to ringside, but then Sid Vicious comes out and holds Jones back as Steiner says he broke Sid’s leg, back, and spirit as Vicious says he knows Steiner’s game and he will fight for the title tonight though he will be the enforcer at ringside.
We see a vignette of the Cruiserweight Division.
6. AJ Styles pins Jerry Lynn with the Spiral Tap at 11:30 to win the vacant WWA International Cruiserweight Championship.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our first title match of the night. These two men won their matches earlier tonight to get to this point and they face off here to see who will be the new champion. Styles gets a good pop from the crowd while Lynn got a mixed reaction from the crowd. The two men lock up to start with Lynn taking Styles to the mat with a headlock and Styles escapes with a headscissors as Lynn quickly escapes, and Styles avoids a dropkick from Lynn and hooks a headlock of his own as he takes him to the mat and Lynn escapes with a headscissors. Styles quickly escapes and Lynn avoids a dropkick as they have a standoff and they lock up with Styles working the arm, and Lynn rolls through and takes control as Styles rolls through and nips up before doing a backflip and he re-takes control. Lynn turns it around and goes behind Styles who turns it around and Lynn hits a snapmare as he leaps over Styles, and Styles leaps over Lynn who gets a kick in and Styles reverses a whip into the corner as Lynna leaps over him. Styles leaps up top and does a backflip over Lynn as Lynn slides under him when Styles looks for an armdrag, and Lynn blocks an armdrag attempt and works on Styles’ arm as he gets a knee in and goes back to the headlock. He knocks Styles down and attempts to block a hiptoss with a monkey flip though Styles does a cartwheel to escape, and he ducks a shot only for Lynn to hit a clothesline and he stomps on Styles as he hits a backbreaker for a two count. He hooks a submission on Styles who escapes by falling on top of Lynn for a two count and Lynn stomps on Styles, and he hooks the Gory Special on Styles who escapes the hold and Lynn ducks a spin kick as Styles lands on his feet on a German suplex attempt. He hits a hurricanrana on Lynn who catches Styles in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a two count and he stomps on Styles, and Styles escapes a suplex attempt and goes behind Lynn who turns it around and Styles blocks a rollup attempt. He hits a springboard moonsault into an inverted DDT on Lynn for a two count and he kicks at him until Lynn ducks a kick, and Styles ducks a shot and hits a superkick on Lynn for a two count as he pounds on him in the corner and whips him into the other corner. Lynn blocks a tornado DDT attempt and hits a Northern lights suplex which sends Styles into the corner as Styles backdrops him over the top with Lynn landing on the apron, and Styles ducks a shot and hits a clothesline that knocks Lynn to the floor as he hits a somersault senton onto Lynn on the floor. He throws Lynn back into the ring for a two count and Lynn counters a powerbomb attempt with a hurricanrana, and Lynn looks for the cradle piledriver and Styles escapes with a backdrop though Lynn hooks a sunset flip for a two count. They exchange pin attempts as Lynn bridges up and hooks a backslide for a two count as he ducks a shot, but Styles drops down and hooks a rollup for a two count as Lynn turns it around for a two count and he ducks a shot. He hits a German suplex on Styles for a two count and pounds on him as Styles blocks a suplex attempt and does one of his own into a neckbreaker for a two count, and he hoists Lynn onto his shoulders only for Lynn to slide off as he gets a kick in and hits a sitdown powerbomb for a two count. He hits the cradle piledriver on Styles for a two count and Styles holds the ropes on a DDT attempt with Lynn hitting the mat, and Styles hits the Styles Clash on Lynn for a pair of two counts and goes up top only for Lynn to nail him first. He goes up himself though Styles blocks the superplex attempt and he shoves Lynn to the mat as he sets himself on the top rope, and he hits the Spiral Tap on Lynn which gets the three and we have a new champion. The match itself was pretty good as both men worked hard and put on a solid title match. Styles was getting into a groove by this point while Lynn was getting back into a groove, and they had good chemistry though could’ve used some more time to really get hot and Styles gets the huge win. The crowd was into the match and popped for Styles when he won. Styles gets the win over Lynn and is the new Cruiserweight Champion as both men move on. Grade: 3
After the match, Styles celebrates with the title until Lynn shakes his hand and raises his arm.
We see the steel cage being lowered around the ring.
We see highlights from Revolution.
7. Sabu pins Devon Storm with a legdrop off the top of the cage through a table in a Steel Cage match at 17:02.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a big rematch from Revolution. Storm pulled off the upset over Sabu at the last PPV only to get attacked afterwards and now they face off here in the cage to settle their issues. Storm gets a good pop from the crowd while Sabu also gets a good pop from the crowd. Storm avoids a dive from Sabu to start the match as he gets a kick in and pounds on Sabu before hitting a headbutt, and he hooks a headlock and knocks Sabu down as Sabu kicks him away and trips Storm up only for Storm to kick him away. He ducks a shot and hits a German suplex on Sabu as he pounds on him and Sabu escapes a suplex attempt, and he hits a springboard tornado DDT on Storm for a two count and kicks at Storm as he pounds on him and Storm blocks a ram into the cage. He hits a low blow on Sabu and pounds on him as Sabu flips over his back and hits a springboard kick on Storm, and he hits a springboard legdrop on Storm for a two count and Storm blocks a hurricanrana attempt by ramming Sabu into the cage twice. He hits a dropkick that drives Sabu into the cage for a two count and then he hits a suplex on Sabu before going up top, and he hits a big splash on Sabu for a two count and goes up top again only for Sabu to crotch him on the top rope. He goes up himself and hits a hurricanrana on Storm for a two count as he kicks at Storm and rams him into the cage twice, and he stomps on Storm and hooks a camel clutch on as he pulls a fork out of his tights and jabs it into Storm’s head repeatedly which busts him open. The ref takes the fork away from Sabu who gets in his face and Storm pounds on Sabu as they trade blows with Sabu taking control, and he hits a slam on Storm and goes up top as Storm gets a shot in and goes up himself before hitting a Northern lights superplex. We see Sabu is busted open as well as Storm grabs a chair from between the cage and he hits Sabu in the head with it twice, and he jabs it into Sabu’s ribs and holds it behind Sabu’s back as he rams Sabu into the corner twice and then he hits a Northern lights suplex onto the chair for a two count. He wedges the chair in the corner and pounds on Sabu who blocks a ram into the chair and he gets a back elbow in, and he pounds on Storm and whips him into the corner as Storm leaps over him and hooks a rollup for a two count with Sabu sending Storm face first into the chair for a two count. He grabs the chair and tosses it at Storm’s head as he sets the chair up and hits Air Sabu on Storm in the corner, and he sets the chair up again and hits Air Sabu a second time which drives Storm into the cage for a two count. He grabs the chair and hits the Arabian facebuster on Storm as he sets the chair up and leaps to the top rope before climbing to the top of the cage, but Storm avoids the moonsault and pounds on Sabu as he hoists him onto his shoulders and hits the Death Valley Driver onto the chair for a two count. Storm climbs up the cage and drops down to the floor as he grabs the guardrail and unlocks the door of the cage, but Sabu dropkicks the door into Storm and then he hits a slingshot somersault senton through the door onto Storm on the floor. He pulls a table out and sets it up at ringside as Storm gets a shot in and rams Sabu into the cage before pounding on him, but Sabu gets a shot in and Storm blocks a whip as he hoists Sabu onto his shoulders and hotshots him on the guardrail. He hits a suplex on Sabu onto the bridged guardrail and pulls out a pair of tables until Sabu nails him from behind, but Storm rams him into the guardrail and then he slams the guardrail down onto Sabu as he sets up one of the tables onto the first one. He nails Sabu from behind and hits a DDT on the floor as he hoists him up and puts him on top of the stacked tables, and he grabs a chair and tosses it at Sabu as he gets back in the cage and climbs to the top of the cage. He hits a big splash that puts Sabu through both tables and he slides the third table into the cage only for Sabu to get a shot in, and he gets in the cage and sets the table up only for Storm to slam the door into Sabu’s head and he gets in the cage. He grabs the chair and hits Sabu with it twice only for Sabu to throw a fireball in his face and he throws the chair at Storm’s head, and he puts Storm on the table and climbs to the top of the cage as he hits a moonsault onto Storm though the table doesn’t break. Sabu climbs back up to the top of the cage and hits a legdrop which puts Storm through the table which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was great as both men worked hard and put on a really fun cage match. Both men were hitting their groove by this point and they still had great chemistry as Sabu ends up getting his win back after using the fireball. The crowd was into the match and popped for Sabu when he won. Sabu gets the win over Storm and both men move on. Grade: 4
8. Midajah defeats Queen Bea in an Evening Gown match at 2:20.
Analysis: Our last match before the main event is a pretty basic matchup. These two women were fresh faces on the scene and they face off here to see who will be left in their bra and panties. Bea gets a decent pop from the crowd while Midajah gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. Midajah wastes no time and shoves Bea down to start the match as Bea shoves her to the mat and Midajah hits a spear, and she holds Bea’s head between her legs and starts to pull her gown up only for Bea to escape with a backdrop. She slams the back of Midajah’s head into the mat repeatedly until Midajah turns it around and then Bea turns it back around before Midajah shoves her off, and she kicks Bea in the back twice and Bea catches her with a jawbreaker as she kicks Midajah in the back twice. She tries to pull her gown up until Midajah escapes and gets a knee in as she hits a slam on Bea and drops an elbow on her knee, and then she pulls Bea’s gown off of her to win the match. The match itself was nothing much as both women did what they could for the time they got and put on a basic match. The crowd was into the match and popped for Midajah when she won. Midajah gets the quick win over Bea and both women move on. Grade: .5
After the match, Teo runs down to the ring and hits a spear on Midajah as Puppet runs down to the ring and they rip Midajah’s gown off, and they grabs the gowns and run to the back with Bea and Midajah chasing after them.
9. Scott Steiner (w/ Midajah) forces Nathan Jones to pass out at 14:40 to win the WWA Championship.
Special Guest Enforcer: Sid Vicious
Title Change: On 4/7 at a house show, Jones defeated Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, and Brian Christopher in a Fatal 4-Way to win the title.
Analysis: After a fairly long and interesting night of wrestling, we come to our main event. Jones had won the title 6 nights ago and looks to have a successful defense here against Steiner, who came close to winning the title in the 4-way and looks to become champion here. Jones gets a big pop from his home country while Steiner was red hot as a heel and Vicious also gets a good pop from the crowd. The two men lock up to start with Steiner backing Jones into the corner and he gets a shot in as he pounds on Jones, and Jones blocks a whip and pounds on Steiner as he hits a hiptoss and they lock up with Steiner getting a knee in. He pounds on Jones and hooks a headlock as Jones whips him off and neither man go down when they collide twice, and Jones ducks a shot and knocks Steiner repeatedly as Steiner rolls outside to regroup before returning to the ring. They lock up with Steiner backing Jones into the corner and he gets a knee in as he pounds on Jones in the corner, and he sends Jones over the top to the floor and poses for the crowd as he does a series of pushups while Jones gets on the apron. He hits a slingshot clothesline on Steiner and then he hits a big boot for a two count as Steiner catches him with a jawbreaker, and Jones tosses Steiner into the corner and pounds on him as Steiner counters a whip by getting a pair of knees in. He shoves Jones over the top to the floor and goes outside himself as he whips Jones into the guardrail and then he slams the guardrail down on his back, and he stomps on him and returns to the ring as he drags Jones back into the ring and hits a backbreaker. He kicks at Jones repeatedly and hits a clothesline as he drops an elbow on Jones for a one count and he does a series of pushups, and he kicks at Jones who blocks a ram into the buckle and he fires up on Steiner as he whips him into the corner. Steiner catches him with a boot to the face and hits a spinning belly-to-belly suplex on Jones for a two count, and he chokes Jones on the ropes and hits a snapmare as he hooks a submission on Jones who fights to his feet. Steiner catches him with a low blow and hits a modified suplex on Jones as he stomps on him and he hooks the Sharpshooter on, and Jones reaches the ropes to force a break and Steiner hooks a bearhug on as Jones tries to escape with a pair of headbutts. Steiner hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Jones and stomps on him as he pounds on him and Jones ducks a shot before catching him in a sidewalk slam, and he fires up on Steiner and hits a clothesline as he drops an elbow on Steiner and goes up top though he slips and barely hits a clothesline on Steiner. He hits a pair of clotheslines on Steiner and grabs him by the throat as Midajah goes up top and jumps on Jones’ back, and he slams her to the mat and Vicious pulls her outside as Steiner grabs the belt and hits Jones in the face with it. He hooks a rollup and uses the ropes for leverage for a two count as Vicious nearly gets in the ring to tell the ref, and Steiner goes outside and stalks Vicious before returning to the ring as Jones hooks a small package for a two count. He hooks a backslide on Steiner for a two count and Steiner rakes the eyes as he hits a slam on Jones and goes up to the middle rope, but Jones catches him coming in by the throat and hits the chokeslam for a two count as Midajah breaks it up. She assaults the ref as Vicious gets in the ring and pulls her off as he sets her up for the powerbomb until more officials come out and stop him, and Steiner grabs the belt and hits Jones in the face with it again as he hooks the Steiner Recliner on with Jones passing out and we have a new champion. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a decent title match. Steiner was slowly getting back into a groove while Jones was continuing to grow though he was still clearly green, and they had decent chemistry as Midajah makes the difference and helps Steiner win though it was weird they had Jones lose in his home country. The crowd was into the match and Jones, but are not happy when Steiner wins. Steiner gets the win over Jones and is the new WWA Champion as both men move on. Grade: 2
After the match, Steiner celebrates with the title as Vicious gets in the ring with the mike and says that he will raise Steiner’s hand because he won, and he does raise Steiner’s hand and proclaims him champion though asks Steiner to do the same if he gets a chance at the title. Steiner says the next time Vicious gets in the ring with him, he’ll break his leg again and heads to the back though he comes back to ringside as he takes the mike and says he should take Vicious’ cane and shove it up his ass. He gets back in the ring as Vicious takes the mike and says that if Steiner gives him a chance and if he’s able to run, it is something that Steiner will regret and he’ll end up with the broken leg as we go off the air.
Final Analysis: Overall, the third PPV for WWA was a fairly decent show that wasn’t quite as good as the previous show, but it wasn’t terrible either. The company was still undergoing numerous turnover in terms of the roster with guys coming in and guys leaving, and those that were featured here were able to showcase their skills for even a limited crowd. Steiner is once again the man while Styles rules the Cruiserweight Division and Lynn, Teo, Christopher, Miller, Funkster, Sabu, and Midajah get big wins, and in terms of the matches the cage match was easily the best while the rest ranged from good to below average. 2002 has been an interesting year in wrestling as the WWF was riding high while a few new promotions were looking to stake their claim, and we will see how this company can continue to grow throughout the year. As for this show, it is a pretty decent show though it was a bit of a weaker show for the company. Final Grade: C-