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2/19/2024 3:43 pm  #1

Smackdown 12/20/01

December 20th, 2001 (taped December 18th)
New Orleans Arena
New Orleans, Louisiana
Dark Match:
1. Perry Saturn forces Jon Heidenreich to tap out at 6:01.
12/23 Sunday Night Heat taping:
1. The Hurricane (w/ Mighty Molly) pins Crash Holly at 5:27.
2. “The One” Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo defeat Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert at 5:52.
3. Rob Van Dam defeats Christian by disqualification at 5:23.
4. The Dudley Boyz (w/ Stacy Keibler) defeat Spike Dudley and Tajiri (w/ Torrie Wilson) at 8:32.
Actual Show:
We see footage from earlier today of Ric Flair handing Booker T his new contract to sign which Booker does without reading and Flair leaves the room smiling.
We see the opening video for Smackdown.
Your hosts are Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler.
1. Edge defeats Kurt Angle by disqualification at 3:46 to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship.
Analysis: We kick off this edition of Smackdown with our first title match of the night. Edge has been rolling as IC Champion and faces a tough challenge here in Angle, who has been cruising along and looks to become champion again. Edge gets a good pop from the crowd while Angle was red hot as a heel. The two men lock up to start with Angle backing Edge into the corner and the ref forces a clean break, and they lock up again with Edge going behind Angle and he backs him into the corner as the ref forces another break. Edge blocks a shot and pounds on Angle as he hits a dropkick and he stomps on Angle repeatedly in the corner, and Angle reverses a whip into the other corner and Edge hits a clothesline as Angle holds the ropes on a whip and rolls outside to regroup. He trips Edge up and pulls him outside as he pounds on him and rams him into the steps before throwing him back into the ring, and he pounds and stomps on Edge as he hits a back elbow for a two count and chokes him on the ropes. He pounds on Edge in the corner and stomps on him repeatedly as Edge battles back only for Angle to reverse a whip, and Edge ducks a shot and hits a high crossbody on Angle as he pounds on him on the mat and hits a pair of clotheslines. He ducks a shot and hits the Edge-o-Matic on Angle for a two count as he gets a kick in though Angle blocks the Edgecution, and he goes behind Edge who blocks a German suplex with a pair of back elbows and he hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Angle. He looks for the spear though Angle pulls the ref in the way and hits a low blow on Edge which draws the DQ and Edge retains the title. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a decent match for the time they got. The crowd was into the match and Edge, but are not happy with the ending. Edge gets the win over Angle by DQ and retains the title as both men move on. Grade: 1.5
After the match, Angle argues with the ref and pounds on Edge who reverses a whip and he hits a spin kick on Angle, and he ducks a shot and hits a modified facebuster on Angle who trips him up and hooks the Ankle Lock on until officials come out and force Angle to break the hold.
We see Booker T in the parking lot as a limo pulls up and Vince McMahon steps out of it as Booker embraces him and thanks him for everything, and Vince asks what he’s talking about and Booker talks about Flair giving him the contract as Vince says he doesn’t know anything about it. Just then, Ric Flair comes up to them and says that Booker is officially signed to the WWF as he will be competing tonight against Steve Austin in a First Blood match.
Commercial break
The Rock comes down to the ring and says that he has finally come back to New Orleans as he says that he is facing Test tonight, and he says that Test has immunity and since he’s won it, he’s been picking on everyone he wants to and just because Test can’t get fired doesn’t mean he can’t get his ass whooped. He says that he is confused as to why Test isn’t happy and he is walking around mean and angry as he asks why Test is so angry, and he says that he’s figured out that Test hates Santa Claus and it goes back to the letter Test wrote to Santa as a kid which he does to mock Test. He says that Test has to be careful with what he wishes for and he has a list like Santa as he crossed the lake, and he says that he was thinking about his list in that he gets a rematch with Chris Jericho for the Undisputed Championship. He says that he also wanted a slice of that Big Easy Pie and most importantly, he will whoop Test’s ass tonight on his show and he says that before Test faces him, he wants to leave him with something as it is the holiday season and they are in the spirit. He says that there is a song called “The 12 Days of Christmas” as he sings the 12 things Test will get tonight, and he says that he will kick Test’s ass all over New Orleans if you smell what he is cooking.
Commercial break
XBOX Slam of the Week: The Rock saving Rikishi from Kurt Angle and Test on RAW 3 nights ago
2. Lance Storm pins Rikishi with a superkick at 2:59.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a pretty interesting matchup. Rikishi was cruising in the midcard and looks to get a win here over Storm, who had won his contract on RAW 3 nights ago and looks to get another win here. Rikishi gets a good pop from the crowd while Storm had decent heat as a heel. Storm wastes no time and attacks Rikishi to start the match as he pounds on him in the corner until Rikishi shoves him to the mat, and Storm continues to pound on Rikishi who shoves him to the mat again and he fires up on Storm. Storm reverses a whip and Rikishi knocks him down as Storm slides outside to regroup and Rikishi goes outside himself, and he rams Storm into the steps and throws him back into the ring as Storm stomps on him coming in and Rikishi reverses a whip before hitting a back elbow. He hits a legdrop on Storm for a two count and Storm rakes the eyes as he attempts a sunset flip and avoids a sitdown splash, and he hits a low dropkick to Rikishi and drops an elbow on him before going up top and he hits a clothesline on Rikishi for a two count. He goes up top again and hits a missile dropkick on Rikishi for a two count as he hooks a sleeper on, and Rikishi escapes by whipping Storm off and he hits a Samoan drop as he splashes him in the corner. Just then, Test comes down to ringside and gets on the apron as Rikishi scares him to the floor and Storm kicks him in the leg, and then he hits the superkick on Rikishi and uses the ropes for leverage which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was decent as both men worked hard and put on a quick match. Rikishi was getting back into a groove while Storm was also getting back into a groove, and they had decent chemistry as Test costs Rikishi the match. The crowd was into the match and Rikishi, but are not happy when Storm wins. Storm gets the win over Rikishi and both men move on. Grade: 1
We see Kane in his dressing room as Booker T comes in and says he’s been looking for him as he wants some advice on First Blood matches, and Kane simply tells him not to bleed before walking away.
Commercial break
We see a vignette hyping the return of Triple H.
We see a shot outside the New Orleans Arena.
We see a vignette of the Undertaker.
Commercial break
3. The Undertaker pins Matt Hardy with the Last Ride at 5:07 to retain the WWF Hardcore Championship.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is our second title match of the night. Taker had taken out Jeff Hardy and Lita on RAW 3 nights ago and Matt comes here looking for revenge while also looking to become champion. Matt gets a good pop from the crowd while Taker was pretty hot as a heel. Matt wastes no time and attacks Taker with a Singapore cane to start the match as both men roll into the ring, and Taker gets a kick in and rams Matt into the buckle as he hits a back elbow and whips Matt into the other corner. Matt uses the cane to hit a clothesline on Taker and beats on him with it until Taker grabs the cane and he gets a knee in, and Matt ducks a swing and hits a hooking clothesline on Taker as he hits a legdrop and gets a kick in though Taker blocks the Twist of Fate by shoving Matt off. He hits a clothesline on Matt and rolls outside to regroup as Matt comes off the apron only for Taker to catch him, and he rams Matt into the post and stomps on him repeatedly as he rams him into the steps and pounds on him. He hits a back elbow and rams Matt into the barricade as he rams him into the announce table and pounds on him before tossing him onto the table, and he grabs a chair and jabs it into Matt twice as he rams him into the steps and kicks him in the face. He sends Matt into the timekeeper’s table and grabs another chair as he jabs it into Matt and pounds on him, and he throws him back into the ring and drapes him across the apron as he kicks Matt in the head and drives the elbow into his throat. He rolls back into the ring and hits a series of headbutts on Matt as he tears at his face and stomps on him, and then he hits the Last Ride on Matt which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was pretty much a squash as Matt got a few shots in, but he puts Taker over strong in 5 minutes. The crowd was into the match and Matt, but are not happy when Taker wins. Taker retains the title over Matt and both men move on. Grade: 1.5
After the match, Taker gets on his bike and drives up to the stage as the ref checks on Matt and then Taker comes back down to the ring, and he throws Matt to the outside and goes outside himself as he grabs a chair and puts it against Matt’s throat as he drives the chair into the floor which drives it into Matt’s throat.
Commercial break
We see Matt Hardy on a stretcher ready to be loaded into an ambulance until the Undertaker comes up to him and asks if the bitch was worth it before walking away and Matt is loaded into the ambulance which drives off.
Chris Jericho comes down to the ring and says that he doesn’t appreciate the response he’s been getting from the fans lately, and he says that he used to be a hero and a favorite as everyone used to cheer loudly for him though now they boo him. He asks why that is and he says that it’s basic human nature because as humans, we tend to hate those that are better and he is better than everyone as he says that he is better than all the rest. He says that the people need to realize that he is the first and only Undisputed Champion in history as he says that it is a big deal, and he says that he deserves all the respect for this as it means that he is better educated than everyone, and he has a better standard of living. He says that he is clearly better looking than everyone and he says that he is a better athlete and champion than everyone that came before him, and he says that he is better than the Rock, Steve Austin, and even Ric Flair as he brings up what happened on RAW 3 nights ago. He says that he wants to thank Vince McMahon for in the interest of fairness kept Flair from screwing him out of his titles, and he says that as far as Rob Van Dam is concerned as RVD comes out on the stage and Jericho says that RVD had his chance to become champion. He says that RVD blew it and proved that he is not worthy enough or good enough to beat him as he is better than RVD, and he says that since RVD is so cool he is cool with the fact that he didn’t win and is probably cool right now. RVD runs down to the ring and ducks a shot as he pounds on Jericho and hits a legsweep before pounding on him on the mat, and Jericho tries to battle back only for RVD to hit a spin kick as he goes up top and hits the 5-Star Frog Splash on Jericho.
Commercial break
We see footage from Smackdown last week.
We visit William Regal in his home as he says that he spent several hours having his nose reconstructed and he is in constant pain because of Edge, and he says that Edge smashed in his nose and he now has to miserable over the holidays though he wants Edge to consider the fact that he will cause him pain and take the IC Title.
4. The Rock pins Test with the Rock Bottom at 6:53.
Analysis: Our next match on the card is a pretty interesting matchup. These two men have been going at it for the last week and now they face off here to settle their issues. Rock gets a huge pop from the crowd while Test was pretty hot as a heel. Rock ducks a shot and pounds on Test to start the match as Test reverses a whip and catches Rock with a knee to the ribs, and he pounds on Rock on the mat and continues to pound on him in the corner as he chokes him with his boot. He whips Rock into the other corner and splashes him as he whips him back into the other corner only to miss a charge, and Rock pounds on Test who counters a whip with a short clothesline for a two count and he hits a suplex for a two count. Rock tries to battle back as Test reverses a whip into the corner and Rock catches him with a back elbow only for Test to hit a sidewalk slam, and he pounds on Rock’s back and hooks a bearhug on as Rock fights out of the hold and fires up on Test who reverses a whip and Rock hits a flying clothesline. He hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Test for a two count and whips him into the corner as Test catches him with a back elbow, and he trips Rock up and uses the ropes for leverage for a two count as Test argues with the ref and threatens to hit him. Rock nips up and gets a kick in as he hits a DDT on Test for a two count and he pounds on him until Test reverses a whip, and Rock catches him ducking with a kick and sends Test over the top to the floor as he goes outside himself and Test gets a knee in. He rams Rock into the steps and throws him back into the ring as he grabs a chair only for the ref to confront him, and then Lance Storm runs down to the ring and hits a superkick on Rock before rolling outside as Test gets in the ring and gets a two count. Test again argues with the ref and shoves him as the ref shoves him back and Test threatens to hit him only for Rock to pound on him, and Test counters a whip by getting a knee in and Rock escapes a pump handle attempt as he hits a spinebuster. Storm gets on the apron and Rock throws him into the ring as he pounds on him before avoiding the big boot from Test who hits Storm by mistake, and then Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Test which gets the three and he wins the match. The match itself was solid as both men worked hard and put on a decent match. Rock was hitting his peak by this point while Test was also hitting his groove, and they had good chemistry as Rock overcomes Storm’s interference and gets the three. The crowd was into the match and popped for Rock when he won. Rock gets the win over Test and both men move on. Grade: 2
Commercial break
We see highlights from RAW 3 nights ago.
We see Ric Flair in his office as Chris Jericho comes in and confronts him about what Rob Van Dam did to him, and he says that Flair is jealous and envious of Jericho for being Undisputed Champion and he is better than Flair and RVD. Flair says he had nothing to do with what RVD did and Jericho says Flair is trying to screw him as Flair says maybe he does want to screw with him tonight, and he says that Jericho will defend the title tonight against the Big Show which is next.
Commercial break
Lugz Boot of the Week: Tajiri accidentally knocking Torrie Wilson off the apron on RAW 3 nights ago
5. Chris Jericho pins the Big Show with a belt shot at 5:28 to retain the WWF Undisputed Championship.
Analysis: Our last match before the main event is our third and final title match of the night. Jericho has been rolling as Undisputed Champion and faces a tough challenge here in Show, who was cruising in the midcard and looks to become champion again. Show gets a good pop from the crowd while Jericho was red hot as a heel. Jericho avoids Show twice and pounds on him to start the match as Show no-sells it and Jericho rolls outside to stall, and Show goes outside and chases Jericho back into the ring as Jericho nails him on the apron until Show knocks him down. He pounds on Jericho and hits a slam as he hits a backbreaker and pounds on Jericho in the corner until Jericho again slides outside to regroup, and Show goes outside and pounds on Jericho as he presses him up and hotshots him on the barricade. He rams Jericho into the steps and pounds on him as he presses him up again and tosses him back into the ring, and Jericho rakes the eyes and pounds on Show who hits a short clothesline and Jericho begs off as Show gets a knee in. He misses a charge in the corner and Jericho goes up top as he hits a missile dropkick on Show for a two count, and he pounds on Show and hits a running kneelift as he kicks at Show and pounds on him in the corner. Show shoves Jericho away and hits a pair of clotheslines as he hits a flapjack on Jericho and sends him into the corner, and Jericho catches him with a pair of boots to the face and goes up to the middle rope as Show catches him on a leap and hits the Final Cut for a two count as Jericho gets his foot on the rope. Show hits a headbutt on Jericho and whips him into the corner as he splashes him and grabs him by the throat, but Jericho kicks at Show’s knee repeatedly and Show again grabs him by the throat as Jericho shoves the ref down and hits a low blow on Show. He grabs one of the belts and hits Show in the head with it which gets the three and he retains the title. The match itself was decent as Show pretty much dominated the whole thing until Jericho steals the win at the end. The crowd was into the match and Show, but are not happy when Jericho wins. Jericho retains the title over Show and both men move on. Grade: 1.5
Commercial break
6. Booker T defeats Stone Cold Steve Austin in a First Blood match at 9:24.
Analysis: After a fairly quick and interesting night of wrestling, we come to our main event. These two men have been going at it for the last few weeks and now they face off here in a First Blood match to settle their issues. Austin gets a huge pop from the crowd while Booker was red hot as a heel as he brings a chair into the ring. Austin throws several chairs into the ring and trips Booker up to start the match as he pulls him outside and pounds on him, and he rams Booker into the announce table and continues to pound on him as he stomps on him and rams him into the post. He pounds on Booker on the floor and throws him into the ring as Booker nails him coming in and kicks at him, and Austin gets a kick in and hits the Lou Thesz Press as he pounds on Booker on the mat and drops an elbow on him. He attempts to take the padding off the buckle and hits a clothesline on Booker as he hits a suplex and chokes him with his boot, and he stomps on Booker who reverses a whip and he catches Austin with a knee to the ribs as he hooks a submission on. Austin escapes with an armdrag and hits a clothesline on Booker as he rakes his knee across Booker’s face and takes the pad off, and Booker ducks a shot and hits a side kick on Austin as he goes back to the submission and Austin fights his way out of the hold. He ducks a shot only for Booker to hit a flying forearm and he stomps on Austin repeatedly as he pounds on him, and Austin blocks a ram into the exposed buckle and pounds on Booker who rakes the eyes and Austin reverses a whip. He sends Booker over the top to the floor and goes outside himself as he rams Booker into the steps repeatedly and throws him back into the ring, and he brings a cord into the ring and chokes Booker with it until Booker grabs a chair and hits Austin in the head with it. He pounds on Austin who battles back until Booker blocks a shot and hits a side kick on Austin before pounding on him on the mat, and Booker tries to get a kick in only for Austin to tackle him to the mat and he pounds on him as he hooks a sleeper on. Booker whips him off and hooks a sleeper of his own on Austin who tries to break the hold by ramming Booker into the exposed buckle, and Booker rams the back of Austin’s head into the exposed buckle and stomps on him repeatedly as he pounds on him in the corner. Austin blocks a ram into the exposed buckle and Booker gets a kick in as he whips Austin back into the exposed buckle, but Austin hotshots Booker on the exposed buckle and gets a kick in though Booker blocks the Stunner by sending Austin into the ref. Booker gets a shot in and Austin reverses a whip as he hits a spinebuster on Booker and grabs the chair, and he stalks Booker until the Big Bossman runs down to the ring with his own chair as he uses it to knock the other chair back in Austin’s face. He heads to the back as Austin is busted open and Booker hits the scissors kick on Austin before doing the Spinaroonie, and he stomps on Austin repeatedly in the corner and goes to revive the ref as he gets a kick in and pounds on Austin. He stomps on Austin in the corner repeatedly and grabs a chair only for Austin to avoid it and he pounds and stomps on Booker in the corner, and he gets a kick in and hits the Stunner on Booker before grabbing a chair only for the ref to see him bleeding and Booker wins the match. The match itself was decent as both men worked and put on a solid brawl. Austin was hitting his peak by this point while Booker was getting back into a groove, and they had good chemistry as Bossman makes the difference and helps Booker win. The crowd was into the match and Austin, but are not happy when Booker wins. Booker gets the win over Austin and both men move on. Grade: 2.5
After the match, Booker heads to the back and Austin starts to go after him as Vince McMahon appears on the Titantron laughing and we go off the air.
Final Analysis: Overall, this edition of Smackdown was a pretty solid episode as we come to the end of the year. As mentioned, there was quite a gap between Vengeance and the Rumble so we were going to have plenty of weeks to fill, and they were doing a good job doing so while also slowly bringing the former Alliance stars back into the fold. We had three title matches on this show as Jericho is still the man while Edge and Taker retain their titles, and Storm, Rock, and Booker get big wins, and in terms of the matches the main event was the best while the rest were pretty standard for TV. 2001 has been a great year for the WWF and as we head into 2002, we will see how things play out as we might be in for some big changes. As for this show, it is a solid episode as we near the end of what has been an incredible year. Final Grade: C+


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